A new study warned that people with high levels of fat associated with unhealthy food such as fries, donuts and ready meals,
More likely to develop dementia.

The researchers found that those with high levels of trans fats in their blood are 75% more likely to develop dementia in old age, according to the site "Mirror" Britain.

Unsaturated fats, also known as unsaturated fatty acids, are synthetically produced and found in foods with hydrogenated vegetable oils.

They can be found in ready-made and fried baked foods.

Fried fries at home contain polyunsaturated fats that raise the bad type of cholesterol and reduce the good type.

They are also found naturally in small amounts in some meat and dairy products.

The research involved more than 1,600 people living in a Japanese community with an average age of about 70 who did not develop dementia.

The level of unsaturated fats in the blood of the participants was determined at the beginning of the study by measuring the amount of alidic acid in the blood, which is a biological marker of industrial trans fats.

Participants were then divided into four groups based on those levels.

Participants were also given a questionnaire on how often they eat certain foods.

They were then followed for an average of 10 years, during which time, 377 people developed dementia.

Of the 407 people with high levels of unsaturated fat, 104 have dementia, and the incidence rate is 29.8 per 1,000 people.