According to the magazine «Freuden» German that the body usually sends signs of infection, as it also shows signs that he is in good health .. Here are six of those signs of good health.

1- Shiny hair

Fragile hair may be a sign of a health problem in the body, as hair is a mirror of the health of the body, and whenever a person is healthy, his hair shiny and good.

2 - Strong nails

The strength and rigidity of nails is also a sign of body health.

3 - teeth and gums

Millions of bacteria live in the mouth, many of which are very important for human health.

Adequate sleep

Lack of sleep and its disorders are signs of an unhealthy lifestyle, but those who sleep adequately and well are certainly healthier than people with these problems.

5. Good social relations

A study published in the American Journal of Health and Social Behavior has shown that people with good social contacts have better health and live longer than those who are closed. The study argued that social relations reduce stress, which positively affects the immune system.

6 - Tongue

Doctors infer many body diseases such as the heart through the tongue. The natural color of the light red tongue covered with a light layer is white.