In the midst of an open insurrection, after Torra announced at parliamentary headquarters the intention of calling another referendum and with the streets threatened by the most violent faction of independence, 12 nationalist formations met yesterday in Barcelona to redouble their pulse to the State . The attempt to galvanize the separatist challenge through the conclusion of objectives is not new in nationalism. The novelty is now double. On the one hand, which no longer pivots on the claims around self-government, but before the exercise of self-determination. On the other, it causes fear from the point of view of the defense of national sovereignty that the majority of the parties gathered in the Llotja de Mar are allies of the PSOE . From the political forces that agreed to the motion of censure that appealed Pedro Sánchez to La Moncloa to the sovereignist party that supports the Socialists in the Balearic Islands. If Sanchez had never embraced the plurinationality, following the dictates of Iceta, now the formations that threaten the unity of Spain would not use the sentence of the process to try to blackmail him, and the cohesion of constitutionalism would allow the Government to articulate a firm response to the secessionist challenge.

The fact that the secessionist coven had Arnaldo Otegi as a guest star reveals the infamous target of this acronym soup. Otegi, convicted and disabled for terrorist crimes, is a figure with an abject trajectory and a sinister service sheet at the service of the proetarra cause. Even today it justifies the violence exerted as a method to achieve political ends. And this incapacitates him as an interlocutor, no matter how much he boasts of giving lessons to Spanish democracy from the pages of European newspapers that we thought were serious. The declaration signed incardina to Bildu, the BNG and the partners of the PSOE in the Balearic Islands in the mantra of the right to decide . Neither the Government nor the rest of the constitutionalist forces can remain unaffected by the concatenation of steps taken after the conviction for sedition to the coup-makers of the process . To the unacceptable filoterrorist drift of radical separatism is added the motion passed in the Parliament that calls the Supreme Court's ruling and the declaration of the City Council of Barcelona - once again, Colau acting as a lever for separatists - that demands liberation of the political prisoners.

We are not facing an attempt to pressure the Government to scratch more powers, as was the case with nationalist parties. We are facing a coordinated threat to destroy the nation and the constitutional order of 78 . The enemies of Spain use the Supreme's sentence as a subterfuge to relaunch their challenge. This newspaper already defended that the condemnation by rebellion was adjusted more precisely to the secessionist assonic. Carlos Lesmes, president of the TS, admitted yesterday on Onda Cero that his impression in October 2017 is that the Catalan authorities "wanted to subvert the constitutional order." His words, although verbalized from the respect of the ruling of the Chamber presided by Judge Marchena, suppose a knock. Neither the laws of disconnection, nor the illegal referendum of the 1-O, nor the independence declaration were a reverie to force the State to negotiate, but a real and planned attempt to expel Catalonia from the constitutional framework. This threat is just the consensus position at the separatist summit in Barcelona. The PSOE, therefore, must break its ties with unfair parties.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • Spain
  • Balearics
  • Barcelona
  • Supreme Court
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Catalonia
  • Bildu
  • Arnaldo Otegi
  • Basque Country Elections
  • Politics
  • Editorial

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