Germany has seen an increase in anti-Semitic sentiment. Süddeutsche Zeitung, citing a study by the World Jewish Congress, states that anti-Semitism is not alien to every fourth German. Jews supposedly have a great influence in politics, economics, and they talk too much about the Holocaust - the set of claims is traditional. Although a wide campaign is being conducted against anti-Semitism, demonstrations under the slogan “Death to anti-Semitism!” Are even taking place on the streets of German cities, but this picture does not change seriously and this does not break the emerging inertia. And the slogans of the demonstrations may appear directly opposite ...

You read such studies and you begin to suspect that at one time the fears about the reunification of Germany were justified, that look would again show the original essence, which unleashed two world wars ... But if only Germany. The growth of anti-Semitism in Europe is recorded in so many countries. In France, there has been a steady increase in the number of crimes on this basis, and England is not lagging behind. All this can hardly be explained by the growth in the number of migrants in these countries.

Recently, a scandal erupted when Polish President Andrzej Duda practically accused Israel of raising anti-Semitic sentiments. And all this after the statements of the Israeli prime minister that the Poles participated in the extermination of Jews during the Second World War. This statement was very much in disagreement with the role of the victim being played by Poland, which everyone should repent of. From there, after all, the roots of playing the theme of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which supposedly became a prologue to the Great War, go. Poland is profitable, convenient and Europe. Moreover, there is also Estonia, praising the SS legionnaires.

But this is not about that now, but that Europe is in a grave crisis, the responsibility for which, of course, needs to be shifted to someone. However, this someone is not incognito at all - these are internal Jews and external ... Russians. Two adversities that have piled up and strangled unceasingly.

We must remember a clear causal relationship on which crisis symptoms are clearly visible. Anti-Sovietism consistently leads to Russophobia. Destruction of the “cursed” Soviet legacy - uprooting all of Russia. Examples are obvious: the Baltic countries, Ukraine, the same Poland. Russophobia almost always goes side by side with anti-Semitism - one order of the phenomenon associated with hatred. Therefore, when voices are heard in Germany that reveal the “truth” about the Great War (as, for example, in the case of the recent “revelations” about the battle of Prokhorovka), or when the EU issues a resolution where the Molotov Pact is introduced as the reason for the Second World War - Ribbentrop, and Russian society is urged to “come to terms with its tragic past,” we must immediately be aware that no one will forget the Jews, although outwardly they will express concern over the growth of anti-Semitism.

The study of the lush flowering of anti-Semitic views in Germany is a very important bell that Europe is increasingly plunged into the Weimar syndrome in a situation of turmoil.

After all, in fact, the Old World is now in a position, as after the global Munich conspiracy. The situation after the Second World War was more or less clear: two camps, two systems, block confrontation. Weakened after the war, Western Europe voluntarily forcibly agreed to US leadership and other costs in the form of a stockade of American bases, as well as the status of a potential bridgehead in the next ecumenical and final war.

After leaving the political arena of the Soviet Union and the social camp, the united Europe graciously shared the laurels of the "winners" in the Cold War with the States, replenished its ranks with countries of the Middle Eastern Europe and was quite content with this. The first hegemon among equals - the USA - took European countries as co-workers, gathered a coalition from them when it was necessary to go on a humanitarian crusade to a particular country. Everyone was in action and everyone felt their important mission in the new unipolar world order. Important eyebrows frowned and puffed out cheeks.

But something has changed - and this generally picture of the world, comfortable for Europe, began to disperse at the seams, like an old patchwork quilt. It turned out that the world is large and diverse, that it is not only American or Eurocentric. To perceive oneself as the center of the universe, of course, it is possible now, but it will be a game of hide and seek with reality.

This is the crisis: when they woke up from protracted stagnation, from the rapture of their endless “victories”, especially over the formidable and mighty, terrible and terrible Soviet Union, and before our eyes everything swam and swam from the diversity of the world. The crisis of modern Europe is that the orientation toward the States and the almost unconditional vassality have long been, to put it mildly, a burden, and claims here will only intensify. On the other hand, Russia, which wants normal partnerships, but it is traditionally suspected of unreliability and insidious plans.

Europe, so far, obviously cannot determine its place in the new world, because it approaches it according to the old tracing-paper. International arbiter? Do not pull. The standard of democracy? But as much as you can, and very much it gives away, if not with a totalitarian manifestation, not with a cannibalistic smile, then with frank demagogy. Center of gravity? Here is a new migration of peoples to her and attracted ...

In a situation of this disorientation, it is quite possible to bet on one’s own path of building a “great Europe”. Here the old demons will come into the light of God: all the same Russophobia, all the same anti-Semitism. Weimar syndrome will manifest itself in all its flawed and short-sighted beauty.

By the way, they tried to drive modern Russia into a peculiar trap, speculating on the theme of post-imperial nostalgia and restrained national pride.

On the one hand, she was declared the losing side in the Cold War with all the consequences. Although why would it? After all, the Soviet Union simply offered the world “new thinking” and a rejection of politics in terms of strength ...

On the other hand, they tried to hinder her all the time with the prospects of the manifestation of the same Weimar syndrome. Say, revenge will leap, and all the “dark Russian gut” will manifest itself with all its pogrom power. Therefore, repent and learn from the winners and representatives of higher civilization, learn and repent. This fork restrained our country, which seemed to say: sit and do not lean out, do not show your will, pacify ambitions, forget about sovereignty, be small and philistine, otherwise it will be scary, and many different analogies can be given in this connection ...

But how this syndrome is related to Russia, it’s hard to say that no one could intelligently explain anything about this, even Yegor Gaidar, who liked to talk about the dangers of imperial nostalgia. Although the vector is just understandable, after all, Boris Yeltsin, having come to power, did not get tired of talking about changing the sovereign function of the country, about getting rid of the heavy burden of imperialism.

That is, speculation with the theme of the Weimar syndrome in relation to Russia is quite understandable: they simply tried to make it different - not what it was during its thousand-year history, but by some new genetically modified hybrid. Or what, will you order us to believe that some kind of revenge will overtake our country and, as one, let's go on a crusade to Europe, cut down democracy at the root? Yeah, hordes of Russian barbarians, terrible bears - in the cartoons this story is very popular - and not for one century.

So beautiful Europe had to put together a coalition from time to time to counter this threat. The last time this was done by Germany. All that pure “truth” is being told about that coalition, they are broadcasting their version of those events louder and more consistently. It seems that a lot has already begun to be forgotten and broadcast from some kind of parallel reality. Moreover, they begin to justify their moral law. Apparently, the repentance, which was set as an example for all of us, was insincere or was not at all.

Now Europe is at a crossroads, almost like a knight-burgher in the Vasnetsov painting. Nobody predicts a sunset for her, she simply can completely lag behind and get lost somewhere or become different - beyond recognition. The Old World cannot yet determine its civilizational role and function. Should one measure everything with the old tip, stay in the status of a sort of wedding general who has long been on a well-deserved rest, or try to get rid of stereotypical thinking, shake off the dust of ancient prejudices?

There is a great danger that in this European civilization gap, without a new way of thinking, a very understandable strategy could reach Cyclone B and the slogan Drang nach Osten.

Indeed, even the first and last president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, now complains that our Western partners “did not stand the test of the new era” and provoked a new serious global tension.

The problem is also in the implanted ritualized tolerance, the taboo of many topics. Then a serious dissonance arises between reality, in which the cauldron of anti-Semitism and Russophobia boils more and more, and carefully constructed decorations.

An analogy can be drawn with the American Doomsday thriller, although it is about the States of the near future, but all this is very close to hidden European realities. The plot is simple: a law-abiding society, but once a year for 12 hours everyone is given the right to kill and the night of controlled chaos starts, when a person is a wolf. A sort of cleaning is arranged, a pogrom through bloodletting.

This Doomsday is a means of maintaining the current order, well-being, but at the same time, a method of formatting reality, when some become tied with blood, others are intimidated, and others are completely eliminated. Blood, fear and thirst for blood become a structural element of the world order, which is perceived by many as close to an ideal society. It is a kind of payment for the illusion of paradise, a payment for utopia.

Utopia requires blood, it is oppressive. The Western world is now the reality of the embodied utopia of universal values, the dictates of the main road of civilization. So that all others do not go astray, this civilization with a vector for utopianism may well begin to let out the beast in order to let some let in steam, to frighten others. Blood is becoming the main reality in the world of imitations and manipulations. It rests on the basic law of society, guaranteeing it conditional prosperity.

This principle is completely at odds with the Russian tradition, for which nothing can be built on blood and sooner or later retribution should be expected for it. Blood gives rise to the “butterfly effect”, and the assassination of the prince in Uglich will sooner or later lead the country to the Great Troubles, which will put it on the edge of perdition. Perhaps it is this knowledge that makes Russia far from a prosperous western democracy ...

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the editorial position