The digital history of EL MUNDO did not start in a garage as dictated by the mystique of any great technology, but its birth did have that epic that surrounds quixotic projects. The zero zone was the fourth of teletypes of the writing of Pradillo , a hole without light where Boyero watched television and where Mario Tascón housed the two fellows with whom he started the Last Minute service.

It was 1996 and the service arrived coinciding with the elections that would take Aznar to Moncloa. It was the kick-off of, the original url of the current website. If that launch was possible, ahead of the rest of the newspapers of national circulation , it was largely thanks to Tascon's personal commitment, which robbed time of his infographic section and that two years before he had begun to flirt with internet by turning to the Network supplements of the newspaper as 'Your Money' and 'Campus'. They were times with broadcasts of hundreds of thousands of copies and with print advertising at its maximum. Internet was not a priority.

When it stopped being the toy of some friquis and the companies saw that there was a future, in Prisa they thought that why develop their website, if they could put that of their great competitor under their head. So they launched an Opa to THE WORLD to take all their digital equipment completely . It did not work. Its strategy of charging for the content came too soon and on that failure our digital leadership was expanded and consolidated, with different teams in command, but always with a fireproof writing. From Sindo and Borja , who would also end up in El País, to the Fernandos (Baeta and Mas) . Pery took over from Baeta and from his hand came the one who writes.

In that transit the native media were arriving and the competition soared. From the strength of the brand to the battle for SEO positioning and virality . That everything has happened too fast, our Head of Audience Development, Pedro Martínez , who needed a raincoat to approach an editor with a suggestion for the headline, can attest better than anyone. Now that he leaves us, there is no one left who does not know that people die on the web, but never dies.

In this decade, digital advertising ceased to be a complement until it became the main source of income for traditional media. And over there the battle for Comscore and volume increased . The equation was simple: more users and page views, more revenue. And we had in Gabriela - our CDO - the best compass to guide us to lead each metric.

The double-digit growth year after year endorsed a model that, however, has also ended up being insufficient to sustain an industry in which the entrance of the kiosk has not stopped diminishing. Now is the time for payment for content . The Spotify or Netflix opened a path through which legacy from all over the world already transits successfully. Larger media such as The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal have once again become multimillion-dollar businesses in this way and media has risen in all markets. Except in Spain, the only country that remained virgin to the payment for content, beyond the experiences of some native or regional media. EL MUNDO, a pioneer as many times in these 30 years, launched its payment model Tuesday: Premium . The one that should take this company to turn another 30 years.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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30th AnniversaryThe world that comes


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