The #Clean_Is_Clean label continues to lead for the eighth day in a row, the social networking site "Twitter", since the start of the demonstrations in Lebanon until today. This is the slogan of the Lebanese who went out into the country and held demonstrations to express their anger and rejection of the new taxes recently waved by the Lebanese government.

The demonstrators shouted during their protests several slogans, including: "Lebanon is rising," "Aja time accountable," "Klan means Klan," and "the people want to overthrow the system."

The pioneers of social networking sites through the marking #Klin_Kn_Klin for the demands of the Lebanese people from these protests, which is to hold all officials in power in Lebanon and to resign.

The singers pointed out that they are demanding through this slogan the resignation of all officials in the Lebanese government without any exception.

Another said: "Anyone who wants to join the pure popular uprising on the street, must accept the slogan" Kellen_ means_ Kullen without exception. "

The singers explained that the demonstrators will not return to their homes and end the demonstrations only by fulfilling their demands. Attempts to patch up and revive them will not work. We need a government of trustworthy ethical specialists.

Another said: "Lebanon will rise up and rise in the squares until Kellen resigns .. #Klin_i_klin without exception."

Since the night of Thursday, October 17, Lebanon has witnessed unprecedented mass demonstrations in the history of the country against the backdrop of living and demanding issues, with the participation of tens of thousands of citizens of different ages from the north to the south passing through Beirut.

It is noteworthy that the reform measures approved by the government of Prime Minister Saad Hariri on Monday, did not resonate with the demonstrators who assert that they have lost "confidence" on the political class on which they take corruption and looting of the state's capabilities and mismanagement of the country and its economic crises.