The "Pink Caravan" initiative called on girls and women to protect themselves from the risk of breast cancer, where studies by international health organizations indicate that regular lifestyles, which adopt healthy eating behavior, in addition to sports and other behaviors, contribute significantly to reduce Breast cancer.

The Pink Caravan, an initiative of the Friends of Cancer Patients Society, in conjunction with Pink October, the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month, offers five tips to reduce the incidence of the disease:

Early detection and periodic examinations

Early detection is one of the most important axes that contribute to the fight against breast cancer and cure it.

The "Pink Caravan" advises women to continue to conduct clinical examinations, and if necessary must be done «mammograms» or radiology, especially as the initiative provides these services during its campaigns for free.

A diet rich in antioxidants

The "Pink Caravan" stresses the importance of diet and its role in reducing the incidence of several types of cancer, especially breast cancer, and advises to focus on foods rich in antioxidants, for its role in preventing the occurrence of infections and control cancer cells, and vegetables, red and yellow, and dark green Colored peppers and broccoli, one of the richest foods in these materials, in addition to fruits of cranberries and pomegranates.

In order to achieve its effects, five servings should be taken daily, and manufactured sugar should be avoided due to its great role in blocking the immune system and feeding cancer cells.

Healthy weight and regular exercise

The Pink Caravan of the Pink Caravan, a campaign launched since 2011, emphasizes that maintaining a healthy body weight reduces the risk of many cancers, including breast, prostate, lung, colon and kidney.

It also advises all members of the community, especially girls and women, to adopt a permanent exercise regimen, because physical activities contribute to weight control, and also reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, and it is desirable for those without any health problems, exercise moderately for 15 minutes a day At least or 75 minutes a week.

stop smoking

Various studies and research agree on the association of various types of smoking with breast cancer, especially in women over the age of 40 and under 50 years, and therefore the immediate abstinence from smoking is one of the best ways to prevent breast cancer, and maintain health in general.


The "Pink Caravan" initiative emphasizes that breastfeeding protects against breast cancer, and the longer the mother is breastfeeding, the lower the risk of infection. Alternatively, it is advisable to find alternatives by consulting your doctor.