Health presented a group of foods that pointed to its great role in burning fat and get rid of excess weight, and came as follows:

Olive oil: is one of the best oils and the best for public health. Olive oil helps the hormonal balance and activates the immune system and reduces cholesterol, but should not be used in cooking because heating olive oil changes the components.

Almonds: Dried fruits and almonds contain protein, fiber and calcium, and they provide the body with the energy it needs. It also stimulates fat burning and maintains blood sugar, contains a large proportion of omega-3, and protect the body from obesity.

Broccoli: An ideal weight loss diet that contains fiber and vitamin C and is also rich in calcium, which reduces the absorption of fat in the intestines. It also improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.

Strawberries: Contains a large amount of water and fiber, as it contains low calories, which makes it one of the best types of fruits, although they provide the body with the necessary energy. It also helps blood flow, maintains sodium and reduces the absorption of sugar and fat.