• How to burn more calories by walking
  • Simple stretches to avoid back pain

We strive to make the easy difficult. We focus on, for example, self-justifying our lack of physical activity with the excuse of lack of time. Tomorrow, Sunday, starting at 9 a.m., in 'Health a day' (Telemadrid program produced by UEtv), David Ministral, Nordic walking coach in Assari (Madrid), will explain how easy it can be to introduce the exercise in our day by day, turning a walk into a complete training.

"The objective is to follow the recommendations of the WHO, which advises doing at least 150 minutes of healthy aerobic exercise a week. Well, with 20 minutes of daily walk -which we could divide into two sessions of 10 minutes each- we would meet this mandate (minimum) ", explains Minister.

What should that walk be like to really score as an exercise for WHO? "Preferably, at a moderate intensity, but vigorous. That is, we walk fast but at a pace that allows us to have a conversation without drowning." That is, walking looking at the mobile, in addition to not advisable by the stumbling blocks, it does not work.


In 'Health a day', the Minister will also tell us what is the ideal footwear that we should use and how to give our rides a plus, starting in the Nordic march . "It is the logical evolution of the most natural physical activity that we humans do, walking," says this coach.

The big difference with a normal walk is the use of canes. "Its use marks a pattern of movement that, in addition to being very beneficial for postural hygiene (by 'relocating', prevents and improves back ailments), helps to achieve the right rhythm to get such positive physiological changes to occur our body as a reduction in blood pressure, glucose, cholesterol, etc. ", he adds.

Eminently aerobic discipline, which raises our pulsations, improving our cardiovascular endurance and enhancing the burning of calories , the use of sticks, also allows us to perform, at the same time, a very effective strength work . "With a single activity we managed to mobilize 90% of the muscles of the body (it is estimated that in sports as complete as swimming reaches 65%), activating especially the upper body (shoulders, arms and 'core')", concludes And all this without impact for our joints!

'Salud a day' is broadcast every Sunday, starting at 9 a.m. on Telemadrid.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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