The good nationalist looks out onto the street, sucks the stench of burnt plastic and mutters: " Així no ". The good nationalist does not understand what is happening: they are people of peace. They have always been, they have proven it again and again. His strength is the smile, they smiled even in spite of knowing an ancient people oppressed by a remote state, cerrile and backward. It was exhausting to claim in Madrid what corresponds to them - the place that History owes them - to the governments of PSOE and PP. For too long they have been the locomotive of that string of wagons that barely rattles Ebro down, without their own impulse, weighed down by African inertia. But one day that is over. The time to lighten weight rang in their hearts. Peninsular Northeast Denmark was to march towards its destination. And the process began to walk on the exemplary rails of pacifism. The world looked at them.

The good nationalist contemplates the scorched skeletons of the vehicles, the viral images of the street beatings, the father who saves his baby from the advance of the flames that tear the night. And he mutters: " Així no ". He doesn't get anything else. Violence and Catalonia are water and oil: an impossible mixture. Surely most are infiltrated. And the rest will be kids that are in the age. But beware, it is not an excuse either. First patience, then independence. We cannot make the game to the Spanish courts just now that whole Europe discovers its Francoist reminiscences. Fire does not help the cause. Things burn and sad. Quina sad .

Our man, our wife is comforted in this way by the ugliness that the mirror returns to her these days. The narcissus complex of superiority that we call nationalism prevents him from recognizing his reflection in the less graceful features of his own children. Because they are yours. Our man, our wife gave birth to them, raised them, taught them by their example how to distinguish good Catalan from bad ones, those southern settlers who do not assimilate as they should and who should be grateful for the opportunity to speak in the Parliament. Today those kids have grown. Not enough to develop respect for the different, but of course to light a barricade. At the forefront of all revolutions there are always the skull and crossbones, the children convinced of the inferiority of others, the indoctrinates in the tolerance of their own violence because the damage inflicted on a charnego and the order that protects it will always be collateral.

In a letter to Hannah Arendt, his teacher Heidegger wrote: "The sudden requires, in both good and bad, a long time of gestation." That is why the good nationalist looks like an asshole before the already broken egg of the snake. It is not easy to assume that he has been incubating fascists for 40 years.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Catalonia
  • Denmark
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