Nikko Toshogu Shrine The annual process of thousands of warriors on October 17 at 20:11

The annual “Hundred Thousand Warriors Procession” was held at Nikko Toshogu Shrine.

This is a reproduction of the procession of Ikuyasu Tokugawa's remains from Nikko in Shizuoka Prefecture to Nikko at the beginning of the Edo period, and is held every year at the annual spring festival and the autumn festival.

On the 17th, we departed from the front gate at 11:00 am, and the citizens who served as a warrior and a friend carried out a cautious path of about 1 kilometer to the building called the Imperial Palace.

The last part of the procession was over 800 kilograms of Ieyasu Tokugawa and carried by over 50 bearers.

The tourists who packed the approach were enjoying the gorgeous procession in their camera. The parents and children who came from Tokyo said, “The clothes were colorful and beautiful. People were surprised.”