Two issues of "Face to the Info", presented by Christine Kelly but with Eric Zemmour as the permanent star, have been broadcast. For the guests of "Culture Media", everything is done to highlight the polemicist.


Eric Zemmour on CNews is a reality since Monday. Every evening, from Monday to Thursday, the controversial polemicist will be entitled to one hour of air, during which he will face editorialists first, a guest later. And if the show Face the info is presented by Christine Kelly, it is Eric Zemmour who is the one and only star. "It is built around Eric Zemmour, who is the pivot of this show", confirms François Rousseau, a media journalist in Paris and invited Culture Media on Europe 1, Wednesday.

"In the first part, the first half-hour, the three editorialists who oppose him make a chronicle, and he responds, in majesty," details the journalist. "He gives his opinion Evidently he is provocative, it is transgressive, suddenly it creates tension, it creates debate.And then in the second part, it's really the face-to-face to make the buzz, because that's also the goal: to do the audience, that's why they went to look for Eric Zemmour, "says François Rousseau.

"The right against the extreme right"

The journalist is joined on this point by his colleague Samuel Gonthier, also invited from Europe 1. "It's done to make a clash, simply," slice the journalist Télérama. "We are trying to find people who are very opposed to Zemmour, but until now, we have taken people who are against him but who are still right, so it's the right against the far right. The field of opinion is therefore very, very small. "

Despite the public protests of journalists CNews or Canal +, despite threats of boycott, like that of Valerie Trierweiler, there is every reason to believe that the show will continue. Because for CNews, the hard part is done. "There are guests who refused to come, and that's where the pack hurt for Canal + because they had all the trouble in the world to mount this show," said François Rousseau. "Finally, behind the scenes, while publicly saying that they were hesitating, that they might not be doing this show, in fact they continued to build," says the Parisian reporter. "And they won big names, since they are going to have Bernard-Henri Lévy, the philosopher Michel Onfray and tonight for the first time, a deputy, Bruno Bonnel, elected LREM".