Misunderstanding of the remains of the war dead to hear the person in charge at that time Investigation team October 10 21:10

The first meeting of the research team set up by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was held in order to proceed with the verification of the issue of misplaced remains of the war dead, and the policy of proceeding with hearing of the person in charge at that time regarding the recognition when grasping the suspicion of the mistake Confirmed.

Regarding the remains of Siberian detainees, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had actually left the suspicion of misunderstanding 14 years ago, and when the dispatch of the Japanese survey team was canceled, It was revealed that he was sending an email saying "The business had been revived if there was no coverage."

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare established an investigation team of external lawyers that it was necessary to verify the problems of the response so far, and the first meeting was held on the 10th.

The meeting was held in private, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to you and complete the hearing of experts from for such recognition when it was pointed out the suspicion of the mix-up more of the time the person in charge more, research in prospect one month future It means that we have confirmed our policy to publish the results.

In addition, in order to ensure the objectivity of the survey, MHLW employees will not be present in principle, but will proceed with the survey mainly from outside lawyers.

According to the research team, Mr. Noriichi Kumagai, “We recognize that this is a matter of high public interest, and we want to make the facts neutral and fair”.