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When we start a relationship it is usually quite simple that desire is activated. The novelty, motivation and chute of neurotransmitters and hormones makes us believe that it is something magical and flows alone .

But desire is built, and what we were not lazy before to do, now we suppose a terrible effort. "Total, if tomorrow will also be here and today we are so tired," we think. Sounds to you, right? Conclusion: we stop putting 1,000 .

That sexual neglect is the great enemy of the relationship , the one that extinguishes the flame and the one that can make tomorrow, perhaps, your partner is no longer there or you have left before. Even if you are still sitting on the couch.

And, sleeping on the laurels, sexually speaking, takes its toll . But what to do if we no longer feel that chute from the beginning? If your sexual creativity usually shines by its absence, do not worry that here I offer you some ideas.

1. Game of looks. The look is a great activator of libido. With it, you can transmit your hottest fantasies and 'warm up' the atmosphere. If you are not accustomed to doing so go slowly, otherwise, your partner may think that something strange is happening in your eyes and, instead of getting butt, get scared.

Start by observing parts of your body with a slight half-sided smile and ends in your eyes, keeping your eyes fixed for a while. How long have you not looked at each other with mischief? It may not take you straight to the climax but it will prepare the ground. It is a matter of attitude.

2. Intense kisses. The majority of couples who have been together for many years replace long, wet and deep kisses (type 'french kiss') with affectionate and boring 'piquitos' of greeting or farewell. Surprise and kiss again as at the beginning of the relationship. And how about including some playful mosquito?

3. With the desire. So you will leave your partner when you go to give him one of those endless kisses and leave him halfway. The idea is to make the cobra, you know, throw your head back so he can't touch you with his lips, or the owl, something similar but turning your head to the side like an owl. There is nothing more to put than a kiss not delivered. Just don't abuse, it will end in anger and it's not a plan.

4. Eat me! Here are several options: cooking creating sexy shapes with a lot or a little cinnamon, depending on how you want to give more or less heat. Or directly ..., be the dish!

5. Sex swing. If you want to surprise and look for something new, swing! Get a sexual swing, hold it with the door following the instructions and have a great time. Unforgettable, no doubt.

6. Lingerie on. The time has come to innovate. Fix yourself a little, not in excess, but enough to wake up your partner and ask yourself ... What will he want? It will be clear to see you taking home walks, apparently careless, with a great set of insinuating lingerie.

7. Creative hair removal. If so much temperature rises, removing that lingerie could discover a whole art under the lace. Whether you are a man or a woman, depilate or retouch your pubis (or your partner's) creating some nice way. Bet on a heart, a star, a flower or a lightning bolt.

8. Pushing in. Many couples stop touching over time. What if you resume physical contact, both outside and inside the bed? Throw yourself into caresses. That touch is a very good ally!

9. Tie me up! If you want a little more walking and you have never bandaged your eyes or tied your hands, don't wait any longer. Whenever you are spoiled and use toys suitable for these games. It is not worth doing experiments with the clothesline or the plaster of the medicine cabinet. Better go safe and let us advise in an erotic shop.

10. Melted. If in summer we play with ice or ice cream, here it will be the 'Brazilian balls' that melt. It is a very new feminine lubricant, very similar in appearance to the traditional bath oil pearls, but they melt with body heat.

If with this you don't definitely put a thousand ...

ANA SIERRA is a sexologist.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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