The triumphant return of Russia to PACE on its own terms aroused hatred from those members of the parliamentary assembly who live and breathe hatred for our country. The reason for getting to the bottom was taken by the first one - street protests in Moscow. Already on October 3, a debate will be held in Strasbourg "on the violation of democratic rights and the right to peaceful demonstrations in elections to the Moscow City Duma." It looks as if Europe undertook to judge Russia.

However, not those attacked. The introduction of this issue “is an attempt to use the Council of Europe platform to intervene in the internal affairs of member countries and promote politicized and biased assessments of unsystematic opposition and Western media,” said Leonid Slutsky, member of the Russian delegation, head of the State Duma’s international affairs committee. “This is unacceptable,” the parliamentarian praised the initiative of his European colleagues.

We are not talking about the private opinion of the legislator only. This is a consolidated position of the Russian authorities. The Kremlin is also outraged. “We don’t like it when internal Russian affairs are discussed somewhere, we believe that this is exclusively our business,” Dmitry Peskov clearly stated. Noting that the Russian side is always ready to give “constructive explanations” to “constructive issues”. Like, we don’t refuse to speak, but let it be a dialogue, not a trial.

The initiators of the discussion - the political group Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe - initially insisted on discussions on the urgent procedure with a report and a final resolution. It is easy to imagine what would be there. Judged, rowed, in the end everything will be limited to talking.

The understanding of the subject of the future discussion by its initiators is clearly demonstrated by the terminology used by them. European liberals do not mention any Moscow City Duma. In their opinion, the elections were held in the Moscow City Council. Again these scary “Tips”?

It seems that supposedly progressive Europeans are stuck in reality thirty years ago. In this regard, a hunch: maybe they just need an enemy, without whom the Strasbourg gatherings are too bland?

Consolidation against a common enemy is one of the operational methods of the existence of European civilization. Especially the last half century. Russia is quite suitable for this. The common border, the size on the map and the powerful potential are just an exemplary enemy. This will keep in good shape, in a muscular form and will not allow the aging Old World to become softer. In a sense, one can even be proud of such a role. And Russia has accepted this challenge.

It is unlikely to convince Europeans of the “innocence” of the Russian authorities in the Moscow case. Opinion, fueled including by the Russian liberal opposition, has already developed. But you can surely blur this conviction.

But since the best defense is an attack, one should think about the active position of the Russian delegation in the future. The anti-Russian initiatives of the PACE members will stop only when the Europeans themselves receive similar claims. The case of the "yellow vests" fits here like nothing else. That's where the rampant police force is! Our parliamentarians have already talked about this. But maybe it’s worthwhile not putting off putting claims in a formal form? Even attempts to initiate discussions and make claims on sensitive topics for our fellow friends will cool their ardor.

This may be the actions of media representatives - the same Deutsche Welle, which is already being proposed to be deprived of accreditation in Russia for too active assistance to the protesters, or representatives of European diplomatic missions, who are always willing to participate in Russian political life as consultants. And although Europeans are far from the impudence of the American State Department, there is always something to catch them for.

Yes, of course, there will be no easy walk. The balance of power in PACE is not in our favor. The same decision on Moscow rallies was adopted by 77 votes to 33. We are in the minority - and will be in it for a long time to come. At the same time, the political demarches of the representatives of the delegations of Ukraine, Georgia and Lithuania, which in various forms refused to participate in the current session because of the return of Russia, clearly show that our moral offensive is bearing fruit. Russophobes scatter.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.