Infinitely small, impractical, and far from logical, micro-bags continue to take their place in the coming seasons of international trends in fashion, and although they could not accommodate more than one or two small items, But the new wave of these bags finds that they should only accommodate a pair of pills to headache, or perhaps a pair of small earrings, no more.

Small bags continue to shrink more and more as the seasons pass, and continue to be one of the most required items, which are difficult to obtain, and the price of thousands of dirhams, and the fashion house «Jacobs» one of the most famous brands that have revived the fever of these bags since the fall of 2017, With the brand name La Geckito, with only two pieces on the podium, and despite the very small size of the bag, it has made a huge impact on those interested in fashion, carrying each model in the seasons that followed the famous bag with a larger and bolder color range.

Not only did the creative director Simon Porter stop there, but the guests of his latest fashion show in Paris were shocked by a smaller version of the bag called the "Mini La Geckito", which was almost invisible on the stand because of its small size.

As this bag has become one of the most fashionable and controversial in the past few seasons, and as one of the world's most popular favorites, from models, singers, and actresses, most international fashion houses have been keen to create their own version of this tiny piece, such as Chanel. , Hermes, Kilt Gaia, Fendi, and many more.

Though Simon Porter did not invent this fashion, it was preceded by the late fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld, who presented the first contemporary small bag in the spring and summer season of 2015 «Fendi», and yet the idea of ​​small bags is not new, so long Women of high society in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries carried copies of small bags, whether with short or long straps attached to the shoulder, or others attached to a belt fixed to the waist, an idea that has finally returned to international fashion shows strongly.