Small 1 girl unknown 6th day no clue Yamanashi Michimura September 26 18:38

It is the sixth day in 26 days since the first grader's whereabouts of girls in Chiba Prefecture are lost at a campsite in Michimura, Yamanashi Prefecture. The police, fire department, and the Self-Defense Forces searched for about 260 people, but no clues were found, and the search will continue on the 27th.

Misaki Ogura (7), a first grader in Narita City, Chiba Prefecture, has lost his way at the “Busouso Auto Campsite” in Doshi Village, which he visited with his family and friends on 21st of this month.

On the 26th, the sixth day, a total of 260 people including 110 police and fire fighters and 150 SDF personnel were searched.

On the 26th, the police riot police searched the Doshi River and its surroundings downstream of the swamp, and the Self-Defense Forces checked the steep slopes of the mountains.

At the request of Misaki's family, a local fire brigade ran a car on national roads and village roads throughout the village and called for information on sightings using loudspeakers.

According to the police, no clue was found, and the search on the 26th was suspended at 5:30 pm due to sunset.

It means that the search will continue on the 27th on the same scale as the 26th.

Mr. Hideki Kobayashi, Director of Life Safety Division, Otsuki Police Station, says, “No one has given up. I will continue to do my best.”