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The supremacist and anti-immigration activist Steve Bannon was the subject of a documentary by Alison Klayman. AFP Photos / Joel Saget

Alison Klayman signs Steve Bannon - The Great Manipulator , a stunning documentary about Steve Bannon. She paints a portrait of this emblematic figure of the alt-right, the ultra-right American.

Alison Klayman spent an entire year with Steve Bannon and his entourage. She needed all this time to be able to deliver this film, which shines a light on the old gray eminence of Donald Trump.

Severed in August 2017, the former president of the site Breibart News is now working on the construction and financing of his political party The Movement. He dreams of seeing his supremacist, nationalist and anti-immigrant ideals spread throughout the world.

Alison Klayman follows him on a European tour aimed at seducing extreme right-wing leaders from Marine Le Pen to Nigel Farage via Viktor Orban in Hungary , or Matteo Salvini in Italy .

Will The Movement find the global resonance that Bannon hopes for? Will he be the instrument that, since his removal from Breitbart News, will allow him to spread his racist and nationalist ideas?

►To listen too: Decryption - What are Steve Bannon's European ambitions?

The film portrays a dangerous man, who prophesies the advent of a new political order, which he intends to become the figurehead. He describes a man with an oversized ego who is just as obsessed with his ideas as he is with the mark he will leave in history, who is obsessed with the figure of Abraham Lincoln.