French, German and British leaders Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel and Boris Johnson on Monday (September 23rd) accused Iran of being "responsible" for the Sept. 14 attacks on Saudi oil facilities and urged it to "s' refrain from further provocation ".

"It is clear to us that Iran bears the responsibility for this attack.There is no other plausible explanation," they said in a joint statement after a meeting at three in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. We support ongoing investigations to get all the details. "

"Full solidarity" with Saudi Arabia

"We strongly condemn the attacks that targeted oil sites on Saudi territory on 14 September 2019 in Abqaiq and Khurais, and reaffirm our full solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its people," said the statement. .

If the United Kingdom had already expressed its suspicions, this is the first time that Paris expressly accuses Iran of being responsible for the air attacks that have led to soaring oil prices.

The three European powers, signatories of the 2015 agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, also called on the Iranian government to return "on its decisions to reduce compliance with the agreement, and to fully adhere to its obligations ".

With AFP and Reuters