Invited in Culture Media, comedian Vérino came to present his new online video platform, Verino on Demand (VOD). At the microphone of Philippe Vandel, he explains the differences between the practice of humor online and in a theater.


For the launch of its video platform, comedian Vérino was Wednesday guest of Culture Media . Revealed by Youtube, the comedian to 400,000 subscribers is not only present on social networks but also in theaters. And now, his shows are also broadcast on a paid website, called Verino on demand (VOD).

It is no coincidence that Verino plays on both Youtube, the Internet and the theaters. Because the humorist is careful to handle humor with caution. "I have a weapon that Youtubeurs do not have, they do not have an audience, unlike me, because of that, I can make black humor and be trashy," says the humorist who said to be on Youtube while having "the power of the room".

"The trap of technology"

Verino has beautiful cultivate his side "geek", it is still aware of the risks of social networks. "Do not fall into the trap of new technology, it is not because we are connected to someone through his device that it is really," he says. "In a theater or in this studio, we talk to each other easily and we see each other, a lot of things that make it possible to know if a valve is working or not, but it's impalpable on the Internet."

A petition "against bad people"

The comedian continues, adding that it is very difficult, on the Internet, to understand the second degree. Verino takes the example of his petition "against the bad guys" that he launched on the Internet to "criticize easy petitions", such as on "the death of children" or "fires in the Amazon rainforest". And, to his surprise, about 23,000 people are signatories of this petition. If he is happy that "people understand that it is a valve", he sometimes confesses to being caught in his own trap.

"In the midst of all the ironic comments, a woman writes, 'This is not how we will move the government.' And here I think that if she is not equipped to understand this Valve-that's not possible, "says Verino. "I sent her a message to explain that it was a valve, and then she told me that her comment was second-rate, and I did not understand the valve."