Confusion and concerns ... English private exam September 18 at 19:36


An English private exam that will be introduced in the new university entrance exam. The program will start in April next year, but the application started on the 18th with some tests.

The “University Entrance Test”, which begins in January next year, will be conducted in English by a private company.

This private exam will be held from April to December next year, and the application started on the 18th at the Japan English Proficiency Association, one of the participating companies.

At Shinjuku High School in Tokyo, an English teacher opens the private exam homepage, confirms how to apply, and tells the second year students who are eligible for the exam the start of acceptance at the time of the home room. It was.

Concerning private exams, companies that were scheduled to participate withdrawn, and Eiken also reviewed the policy to ask for a uniform 3000 yen payment on the night of the 17th, and confusion continued, raising concerns from high schools and others It is.