In all his majesty as a great republican monarch, Charles de Gaulle concluded that "power is impotence." It is not known if he joined him before or after appreciating the impossibility, he said, of governing a country with 240 varieties of cheese. Therefore, the father of postwar France and the maker of the myth of his own liberation from Nazism, which explains his ingratitude with Britain and the United States, was a well-known strategist to do as if in the most unlikely situations.

This was entrusted to Alain Peyrefitte , minister, confidant and biographer of his, after declaring Algeria his independence in 1962. When asked if he had hope that those expatriates of Gallic origin (the so - called pied-noirs ) who had fled quickly and running back soon , he replied - according to Peyrefitte in his memorable and memorable C'était de Gaulle - that he would act as if ( in faisant comme if ) he was persuaded that he would succeed. "Everything I have achieved has been doing as if", the austere head of the State would reiterate that, when he invited his grandchildren to snack on the Elysium, he paid it out of his pocket, as a sign that the prestige of the statesman solidifies with seemingly trivial details.

However, in the same way that doing as if companies of difficult achievement can be culminated, as de Gaulle ambitioned, it can also be a ploy, on the board of politics, to circumvent the adversary by letting time do the work that one does not He is willing to face. This is what happens with the trap investiture that the acting president, Pedro Sánchez , has been urging since the electoral night of the last Sunday of April to attend another appointment with the polls next 10-N in conditions even more advantageous than four months ago.

If there were suspicions about the farce, they were cleared as the makeup was removed by the effect of the spotlights and defect of the air conditioning in the presentation of the 370 measures of the program with which the PSOE will attend the polls . A kind of record with which the PSOE, with a view to the Month of the Dead, seeks to patrimonize the left. He did it in a dazzling frame - "And this, who pays it?", Said Josep Pla , blinded by the waste of light that illuminated the Big Apple upon arrival in New York - which could rarely correspond to the start of negotiations with your "preferred partner" Unidos Podemos.

If anything, it resembled a wedding. By powers, of course, given the absence of the other contracting party. Like when Felipe González married Carmen Romero in 1969 in a ceremony in which he was represented by his former best friend and then Andalusian mayor of Seville, Luis Uruñuela, for being Isidoro in Bordeaux at a meeting of the PSOE in exile.

It is not the circumstance of Sanchez with the podemite leader Pablo Iglesias , who flirts avoiding himself. Waiting for one to surrender in the arms of the other, they seem to have broken their love not precisely to use it, as in the popular couplet. Whether because of it or because of a dowry problem, both are determined to take time until the voting is back ; one believing that they will have better knockers and the other thinking that, even so, he would obtain the same even less by owning the complementary number of the 176 seats of the investiture.

Looking back, we must remember how much Rajoy was censored for declining Philip VI's offer in January 2016 to try to form a Government. He was even accused of humiliating the monarch by refusing to go to the investiture after advocating that the only "sensible" Executive - word that did not fall out of his mouth - was one of coalition with PSOE and Citizens or another with external support from both . However, it is more pernicious the fraud that Sánchez seems willing to consume after assuming such entrustment to use that royal identity card to go back to elections in better conditions than his opponents who, in parallel, endorse the fault of provoking them by not make him president because he is worth it. As if it were an obligation of these and not of the applicant.

Since the last scrutiny of the polls, being able to open from layer to right and left, all its eagerness has been to dramatize a long pre-campaign that, certainly, seems to have fulfilled the objective of moving towards a plebiscitary conclave around an already classic dilemma: I or the chaos , although that dilemma has not always leaned on the side of those who bring their fellow citizens to the abyss. Sometimes, they become like a boomerang and uncover those who persecuted to eternalize by blackmailing the voter. All in all, luck becomes elusive and causes the elements to sink into an Invincible Navy or precipitate a Napoleonic debacle in Waterloo , or that a refrigeration failure project the sweaty image of a president that evokes that of a defeated Nixon before the cameras in 1960 against Kennedy for mor of cosmetics and shaves

Before a scenario similar to that of 2016, when Rajoy presented himself with the 123 that Sánchez has, winning 14 deputies that is the number that would be around the PSOE, if the polls that are being published are being averaged, the acting president, taking advantage of the "variable geometry" of Zapatero , would complete his first full term. Of course, if the drift is not rectified, which does not seem likely in response to the cost of the 370 proposals of marras, Spain would reissue the second ZP legislature. Using the apparent seriousness of Solbes as a guarantee to the contrary, it aggravated the recession with placebo measures that divert attention to the way the Titanic orchestra played on deck to remain calm while the unsinkable wrecked without remission.

The bad thing is that the opposition of the center right already discovers that fatality and, instead of getting ready to stop that eventual socialist triumph, it only occupies itself to leave the best possible way out of the challenge to lead the alternative to the announced failure of Sánchez. Therefore, we must forget that the Navarra Suma project will be extrapolated to all of Spain .

In fact, it would not have been feasible if it had not been promoted by a third party (UPN) in an autonomy where PP and Cs are around irrelevance. But impracticable among those who compete for the same ideological space in pursuit of their leadership. It was already exhibited when the foralist Esparza had to subscribe it separately with Casado and Rivera for the refusal of the second to take the photo with the first. As Jacques Chirac said, "there is no place for two male crocodiles in the same meander."

You might venture that, ultimately, you will be willing to apply the formula for the Senate and the short constituencies of seats, which would maximize profitability, but going further is glimpsed impossible with the excuse of serving a new decoy to the tray. PSOE to mobilize the leftist voter as Vox was in the calls for April and May.

With the turmoil of the campaign, it will be necessary to see if the pranks of PP and Cs do not risk their coalition in the Community of Madrid after the already difficult labor that illuminated the Presidency for the former. With a partner with half a body within the Government and with the other outside, with Vice President Aguado undermining President Ayuso about the endorsement received by the company in which the father participated and that he could not return to bankruptcy. If this circumstance known in advance to the investiture did not prevent Cs from giving Ayce its placid, the imputation of former presidents Aguirre and Cifuentes for the alleged irregular financing of the Madrid PP with public funds has led to Cs paving the creation of a commission of investigation that puts Ayuso in the pillory and extends the impression that all the PP of Madrid without exceptions, including the one that tries to regenerate Casado, is corrupt.

Undoubtedly, it will be the leitmotif of Cs, of which the confusion seems to have taken over, to recover profile after the emptiness left by Arrimadas in Catalonia and the defections of qualified members who disagree with the liberal line marked by Rivera. Therefore, taking advantage of the recent charges in the judicial instruction of the Punic operation, Rivera emulates that " Delenda est Carthago " with which, with obsessive reiteration, Cato the Elder concluded his speeches before the Senate, whether or not it came to mind, until unleashed the last Punic war that would serve as a pretext for Rome to destroy Carthage like no other.

This entails an added adversity for Casado, who goes back in the polls thanks to recovering old voters, after saving an election to which he was newly chosen to send the PP and whose talents he multiplied with an intelligent negotiation of the pacts in autonomies and municipalities .

In addition to letting his beard grow so that his face seems less childish, he has reinforced his internal power without dispensing with Sorayistas and Cospedalistas . At the time, he puts land in the middle with aguirrismo, despite being raised in his breasts. Although there are discontents, Casado enjoys the benefit that there are no alternative leaders who capitalize on the discomfort or disagreement with their resolutions. Galician President Feijóo , called first to succeed Rajoy and then to be the alternative to the new leader, has renounced his destiny, beyond his pronouncements of loose end. It is no longer even certain that he will be re-elected at the Xunta and there is no need to rescue Ana Pastor from the Congressional Board.

The PP president must shoot a team of debutants, where the appointment of Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo raises suspicions among key pawns in the election of Casado as García Egea or Maroto , for power adjustments. To this are added those who, without denying brilliance and intellectual stature, believe that their elitism does not help the image of a party that should project closeness. The spokeswoman must attend to the fire of others and her own.

In that accumulation of circumstances, plus some entelarañada coffers and without flows, Casado faces his revalidation. Hence, he advocated a joint abstention with Cs, but the Navarrese drift of the PSOE and his entourage with Bildu to become president of Chivite impede it taxatively for reasons of principle, but also because it appears in the founding act of Navarra Suma. A reader of contemporary politics classics like Casado - with better profit than Boris Johnson , Churchill's biographer - should arrogate himself to the will to do as if, in De Gaulle's way, turn the fate that Sanchez prefigures his adversaries with his investiture trap.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • PSOE
  • Citizens
  • PP
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Spain
  • Senate
  • Navarra Sum
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • United We Can
  • Vox
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • UPN
  • Seville
  • Bildu
  • Boris johnson
  • Boca Juniors
  • Algeria
  • France
  • Philip VI
  • Felipe Gonzalez
  • U.S
  • Esperanza Aguirre
  • Madrid's community
  • Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo
  • Catalonia
  • Columnists

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