With Anne Roumanoff, on Europe 1, the singer explains how she had absolutely not planned her career, she would leave today for nothing in the world.


"I wanted to be a journalist, a reporter," Chantal Goya told Anne Roumanoff on Wednesday. Suffice to say that the wishes of youth of the singer, who has marked a generation, have not been granted. But there is no regret in the voice of the interpreter of Pandi Panda , on the contrary.

"I'm always ready to go everywhere"

"I never thought I would be an artist, it was not planned in my head, I did not want to be known," says 77-year-old Chantal Goya. But finally, the music imposed itself on her, after the meeting with two men: Jean-Jacques Debout and Daniel Filipacchi. It is thanks to them that she will take the microphone. Today, she could not do without music and stage. "I will continue until I'm 105, I've always said," she says. "I'm always ready to go everywhere I'm tired when I'm at home and I'm not doing anything because I'm going around in circles," says the artist.