The Yemeni Coalition Forces supported this morning to intercept and shoot down a "drone" drone fired by the Iranian-backed terrorist Houthi militia from Sana'a towards civilian objects in Khamis Mushait, Saudi Arabia.

Col. Turki al-Maliki, spokesman for the coalition forces, said the coalition supported the legitimacy in Yemen, in a statement aired by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). Rules of engagement to deal with these aircraft to protect civilians.

He added that the repeated terrorist attempts reflect the despair of the terrorist militia and confirm the criminalization of Iran's agents in the region and those behind it, and the continued adoption of the fake successes through its misleading media confirms the size of the losses it receives and the state of popular discontent towards it.

The spokesman for the coalition forces continued to lead the joint coalition forces to implement deterrent measures against this terrorist militia to neutralize and destroy these capabilities and strictly, in accordance with international humanitarian law and customary rules.