The sexual scandal that brought together former US President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky is still in the memory of many, but a rare opportunity for the new generation of young people will be available in September 2020 when they watch a full series on the joints of this story for the first time.

Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's partner in the scandal, will play actress Benny Feldstein, while Sarah Paulson will play Linda Tripp, who has made secret calls to Monica Lewinsky over her relations with the former president, who has yet to be chosen.

According to American news sites, this part of the series "American Crime Story" by the famous television producer Ryan Murphy will be called the "isolation procedure", and the scenario is based on an unrivaled book by journalist Jeffrey Tobin in 1999 entitled "Wide Conspiracy: The True Story" To the sexual scandal that almost toppled the president. "

White House intern Monica Lewinsky was 22 when the 49-year-old Clinton scandal took place.

Fortunately for Clinton, the impeachment proceedings led to nothing, and he was cleared of charges of perjury and attempting to obstruct justice after a 21-day Senate questioning.

"American Crime Story" was premiered on FX TV channel in early February 2016, listing the events of real scandals and major crimes, and won several major awards and a very wide fame.