
The explorations of Jérôme Minière

Jérôme Minière. © Dan Popa


With his new album, Une Clairière , the singer-songwriter Jérome Minière delivers an intimate and committed radioscopy of our relationship to the world.

Less than a year later In the digital forest , Jérôme Minière, who has lived in Quebec for 25 years, returns to France for Une Clairière , the first album to actually release in his country of origin since 1998.

For this little gem in atypical format (30 minutes of exploratory tracks like La Beauté, which lasts 9 minutes and 25 seconds) published on the label Objet Disc, Jérôme Minière collaborated with the multi-instrumentalist Chevalrex. This former admirer, who became a singer, is the artistic co-director of Une Clairière, which Jérôme Minière - a former film student - likes to compare the different pieces to film scenes.

A digital meeting (it is by Whatsapp that the two artists - one in France, the other in Quebec - collaborated) but especially " a true enriching artistic meeting e" for Jérôme Minière, delighted to have confronted his songs being created to an attentive ear.

Chronicles of everyday life

Nearly 30 years that he tells his stories, poems talk-sing, "small chronicles of everyday life," said Jerome Minière smiling. Whoever regrets sometimes the time when "we looked for real" ( A clearing ) continues his exploration of the everyday in what is perhaps his most personal album. A pop and electro record, abundant and intimate, imagined as a break in the excitement of days, "a clearing in the digital forest" ( A clearing ), far from the spaces where one "exhausts oneself in selfies" (the beautiful emptiness ) without being able to communicate.

This album forms a diptych with In the digital forest whose song Truth is a threatened species , found on both albums, would be the "ankle" . Jérôme Minière who loves "playing with Russian dolls" so many winks, musical and poetic to his previous record.

Truth is a threatened species appears as an "ecological" song embellished with organs and spectral strings, in which he also tells how he works. Snapshots noted on small papers or in his phone while observing "people walking tightrope walkers on the telephone wire of contradictory messages" ( Truth is a threatened species ) in urban loneliness.

A digital break

Jérôme Minière calls - in a measured way - to a digital break: "I was trying to paint a testimony of the present moment in my records, but it has become very difficult.This comes from the digital revolution: everything has become more complex and more complex. and fragmented It has become impossible to have a word that embraces everything ".

Failing to be able to embrace everything, and since "our human existences continue to exist" , faced with the reduction of the imaginary, Jérôme Minière invites with elegance, a walk in clear dark in his Clairière , poetic and sensitive.

Jérôme Minière A Clearing (Disc Object / Kuroneko) 2019
Official website / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram

By: Marjorie Bertin

Jérôme Minière

album - French Song - France

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