Parliamentary triumph V.A. Zelensky - the party “Servant of the People” received an absolute majority in the Verkhovna Rada, whereas the result of the “European solidarity” named after P.A. Poroshenko is frankly pitiful - he caused a lively reaction from the observers, since Cossack confusion was traditionally observed in the Rada. And the bustle of coalitions, whose members are constantly sold and resold, whereas today the president and parliament are one. Directly guiding and guiding.

Of course, the Ukrainian domestic policy has always been characterized by chaos - if it had not been so, there would not have been two “Maidans” indicating the apparent unhealthiness of the system. A relatively stable society is not maydanit so often.

It seemed that it would be possible to write off the “Servant’s” triumph to Ukrainian specifics. But no. It was in the elections of the Rada that Ukraine went the European way, and not some abstract European, but directly Parisian.

Two years ago, Emmanuel Macron was the forerunner of Zelensky. Having won with a 66% result in the second round of the presidential election (although not 73%, like Zelensky’s, but also impressive), he allowed the Republic on the march party, made for him to the National Assembly elections, which won a triumphant victory . The party, created from scratch on the eve of the elections and recruited from the pine forest (it is necessary to fill the constituencies), received 350 seats (60%).

On the contrary, the systemic parties of the Gaullists and Socialists, who for more than half a century and more determined the political system of the Fifth Republic, suffered a terrible fiasco. The Gaullists received only 137 seats (against 229 in the previous elections), while the socialists received 44 (against 331, a loss of 287 mandates).

Hollies with fiasco partly helped. Their leaders stubbornly drowned and threatened them with criminal prosecution - and after the election, everything was forgotten. Socialists and help was not necessary. The five years of the presidency of the socialist president Hollande were so shameful that, following their results, the powerful Socialist Party no longer became. Mass grave (on the question of the role of an insignificant person in history). And a lesson to Peter Alekseevich.

It seems that after the June elections of 2017, Macron opened a bright path. Reform as you wish - the National Assembly is in your pocket, the opposition is scattered and insignificant. Macron really got down to business, but his reformist activities lasted only a little over a year, after which things went awry.

For a start, there seemed to be a Benferla scam, which had no direct relation to the liberal-globalist reforms. Macron guard Alexander Benalla, to whom the ruler granted various extraordinary powers, loved to beat his face to citizens in squares and gardens.

His assault attracted attention, Macron first kept silent, then said that Benalla had betrayed him. Meanwhile, the evil tongues began to talk about Macro's supernatural intercourse with Benalla. Of course, the French are alien to hypocrisy, they are not Americans any, but still this is a trop beaucoup.

After such a fertilizer of the soil, there was an environmental tax on diesel fuel and the movement of the "yellow vests", who staged a strong flame of Paris. Macron reversed, the eco tax was canceled, but since then the president has lost his passion for reform and quietly falls short of his term. A 60% majority still seems to be there, but it’s not much to use. What is a fair lesson for Zelensky.

Taking advantage of the confusion in the camp of opponents, it is possible to assemble a motley presidential party - “his donkey and his ox”. But using this Noah's Ark for a consistent policy is more difficult. Moreover, not everything is decided in parliament. "Yellow vests" came as a yo-yo out of the box (as, incidentally, Macron himself) and are not represented in parliament.

And this is in France, where the booze is sufficiently institutionalized: it is possible to blink, but in moderation. Eastern Slavs in this sense are more elemental. Suffice it to recall the deputies from “Demrossia” at the congress of the people's deputies of the RSFSR in 1990 and at the same congress in the year 1993 (and even 1992). Their attitude towards President Yeltsin during this time has changed dramatically. Ukrainians also differ even less constancy.

But, whatever the fate of Zelensky and his party, more interesting is another. Apparently, in the conditions of the widespread decline of the authority of the former system-forming parties, the construction of Noah's arks from scratch can be contagious.

In any case, it is impossible to vouch that in Germany, with the rapid fall into squalor of the former people's parties, that is, the CDU / CSU and the SPD, tomorrow the leader of the syndicate dissatisfied will not appear and his party Volksknecht will not triumphantly go to the Bundestag. And then no one will not find it. After all, the Germans are like the Russians - in the sense that they are long-timed, but they go fast.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.