The number of heat-related cases accounted for "about 3%" of emergency room visits, according to the minister's figures. She therefore believes that high temperatures are not the cause of saturation of services.

Health Minister Agnès Buzyn does not intend to grant a "heat wave" to hospital staff, she said Wednesday, arguing that "emergencies are not overflowing" due to the heat.

The FO union of public services and health had claimed on Tuesday such a premium for the agents of the hospitals or structures medico-social according to him at the same time with the heat and with a "significant increase of their load of work". FO had recalled that after the heat wave of summer 2003, the Ministry of Health had released a bonus ranging from 90 to 130 euros per employee concerned.

"Emergencies are not overwhelmed because of the heat wave"

"Indeed, in 2003 the emergency was overwhelmed by the elderly, because there was no heat wave," said Agnès Buzyn Wednesday on France Inter. Today, however, the care of seniors has been better anticipated and "in fact emergencies are not overwhelmed because of the heat wave," she argued.

During the previous heat wave in June, the number of heat-related emergencies "accounted for about 3% of emergency room visits, so that's not the subject," said Agnès Buzyn. The minister also recalled that the non-medical staff of hospitals benefited since July from a premium of 100 euros net per month, "to take into account the risks and incivilities to which they are subjected daily".