
Announcing the issue of comfort women in the life of a lifelong lifelong testimony of her grandmother Kim Bok-dong, who left the world in January, was revealed today (24th). I was included in a documentary film which was about to be released, but when I first came into the world, I felt anger and trembling.

It is Kim Young-ah.


At the beginning of this movie there is no video for a while.

[Movie 'Kimbok-dong' Scene / Late Kimbuk-dong: Testimony of the victims of 'comfort women' (March 1992): At the factory. (China) Because it is Guangdong.

It was the first time that Kim Bok-dong, a victim of a Japanese comfort women who died in cancer in January, made her first public announcement of the damage in March 1992.

This is the first official testimony of the victims of the comfort women, five months ahead of the 1992 Asian Solidarity Conference.

[Yoon Mi-hyang / President of Justice Memory Association (Testimony Recorder): Record each time you hear the story. There was no video at the time. I did not even think about taking a picture while receiving testimony.]

In the testimony 27 years ago, when the world first came to the world, deep anger and pain were delicately conveyed in the voice of the voice.

Scene in the film 'Kim Bok - dong': Soldiers came out on a Sunday because it was day. Come out at 8 o'clock and come in at 5 o'clock in the evening. I will rebel. Could you not rebel? (Leave it alone?) Do you have anything to do? I do not eat rice, I just hit it and lock it.]

Kim's brief testimony ends this way.

[Scene from the film 'Kim Bok-dong': I was 16 years old and came to Korea, so I'm 23 years old. 23 years old.]

Kim, a lifelong student of the world, called for apology from the comfort women with a vociferous voice.

[Late] Kim Bok - dong Grandma: Please apologize quickly before these old men die. Do you understand the ambassador?]

The testimony of Kim, who was buried in the museum for nearly 30 years, was found during the documentary film making process.

In the movie, there is the footsteps of Kim, who has not been known yet.

The production team will use the entire proceeds for the comfort women business.

(Video coverage: Choi Nam-il, Image editing: Choi Hye-young)