On Wednesday, July 24, +21 .. + 23 ° С is expected in Moscow. The weather will be cloudy, it will rain, in some places it will be strong. Thunderstorm is predicted in some areas. The wind will blow at a speed of 5-10 m / s, with a thunderstorm, gusts of up to 15 m / s are possible, according to the website of the Hydrometeorological Center.

Previously, weather forecasters announced a “yellow” level of weather danger in Moscow and the region due to thunderstorms and rain on July 23 and 24.

Meteorologists also warned that a wave of cold air is approaching the capital, early next week the temperature may drop to +14 ... + 15 ° С. This was reported by the chief specialist of the Moscow Meteorology Tatiana Pozdnyakova.

“On Sunday (July 29 - RT ) in the first half of the day, the temperature may still reach + 20 ° С, and then the advection of cold air will begin. It is even possible that this will be an ultrapolar invasion, that is, the coldest invasion that we see at all during the whole year, that is, it will cool down by 10 degrees, ”she explained to RIA Novosti.

"Unstable weather"

Anatoly Tsygankov, Deputy Head of the Situation Center of Roshydromet, told RT in an interview that the weather in the central part of Russia is very changeable. While the capital is still warm, cold air masses will begin to move closer to Moscow by Sunday.

“The weather is unstable as always. On the night of tomorrow (July 25. - RT ) the weather will be cloudy, with a little rain. Temperature +15 ... + 17 ° C. Tomorrow afternoon is expected +23 ... + 25 ° C. On Saturday night, +18 ° C, and in the afternoon +27 ... + 28 ° C. Partly cloudy rain is also expected on Saturday. On Sunday, due to the cyclone comes a stream of colder air. Night temperature will drop to +11 ... + 16 ° C, and daytime to +16 ... + 21 ° C, ”he explained.

Starting next week, according to Rosgidromet's forecast, the wind will change to northern, daily indicators on Monday and Tuesday will not exceed +12 ... + 17 ° C.

The return of warm weather in August is possible, but is not expected at the beginning of the month.

“In August, it can easily still be warm. Last year, if you remember, August and September were warm. That is, everything can be, but there is no official forecast yet. So far, there is not much heat in early August, ”concluded Tsygankov.

"Arctic invasion"

According to the weather center "Phobos", Muscovites and residents of the region in the coming days will expect mostly cloudy weather with rains of varying intensity and duration, sometimes with thunderstorms. Closer to Friday the Scandinavian anticyclone will begin to penetrate into the central part of Russia. As the leading specialist of the Phobos Center, Elena Volosyuk, told RT, he “will be able to push back the rain cloud fields from the capital region and return the sun to us.”

“Already on Friday (July 26. - RT ) the sun will peek out, you can count on a temperature rise, I think, to +24 ... + 26 ° C. On Saturday, it is likely that the thermometers will rise even higher, up to +26 ... + 28 ° C. Saturday may be the warmest day, not only this week, but in general this July, ”Volosyuk said.

Recall earlier in the warmest day in July, according to the Moscow Weather Bureau, it was named on July 22, the thermometer in the capital rose to + 26.1 ° C.

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Cold weather will begin on Sunday. After a rather warm night with a temperature of +15 ... + 17 ° C, on the afternoon of July 28, the air will not warm up more than to +20 ... + 22 ° C.

“At the beginning of the next week, the onslaught of cold will only intensify, we are in for a powerful Arctic invasion, ironically, in the last days of July, which in the annual trend are the warmest days. Our temperature regime can be 6-8 degrees lower than the average long-term values, ”Volosyuk explained.

According to her, the peak of cooling will fall on the last days of July. Daytime temperatures in Moscow can drop to +15 ... + 17 ° C. Further, this trend will continue. Early August, according to preliminary forecasts, will be warm, but not hot.

"This cold snap, which will fall on the end of July, is already leveled by the end of next week, and August will start to slowly pay off debts for heat, but it’s not worth expecting a return of dry and hot weather in the first days of August -” center "Phobos".

In this case, the current July in Europe has become the hottest month in the history of meteorological observations. On Tuesday, July 23, extreme heat set in France, in some departments the air warmed up to +37 ... + 41 ° C. According to the British Meteorological Bureau, this week may be the hottest week of summer. On Thursday, July 25, the thermometers can rise to + 38 ° C.