Mnet Audition Program Singer Young Yi (born Yang Hong-won) from 'High School Wrapper' is introducing a house decorated with unique sensitivity.

Yesterday, he wrote a number of photos taken at his home in his home town today (April 24).
In the public photos, Zero is sitting in the middle of the house where the cigarettes and miscellaneous things are worn out and gazes at the camera with blurred eyes.

In addition, there are many graffiti which do not understand meaning in all parts of the house, and it gives a somewhat confused atmosphere.
Especially, I was attracted by the image of Zero looking at the graffiti written on the white wallpaper with the black paint "I have to ask."

Swing, the head of Indigo Music, a subsidiary of Zero, wrote a comment saying, "I really can not understand even though I die."

The netizens responded in various ways such as "I can not help myself if I have my own taste, have I got permission from the landlord?"

(Configuration = Lee Hyun-Hyun Editor, Photo = Zero Incident Instagram Capture)

(SBS Steve Star)