A term used by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, described by some officials. This description rings in my ears whenever I hear of an official or an unjust manager or arbitrary administrative practices, in which I feel a burning feeling towards everyone who sat on the chair, , And I hope that the day they drink will come from the cup itself.

For example, do not be surprised at the kind of practice practiced by the citizen, and the quality of "deaf to you", who do not do well, increase his powers, and reduce the powers of the rest of the staff, prevents the exit of anyone in the media, to appear in « Al-Rayah and Al-Jai »as if he were a" superman of his time ".

There is a type that considers the institution to be his private property, and that government grants are from his pocket. The inside of him often comes out broken, especially when he issues incorrect sentences which he invokes to silence the references. Such sentences are frequently repeated by some to embarrass the auditors. To make decisions, and facilitate the transactions of citizens.

There is another widespread type that is considered the most dangerous and severe, the kind that favors the non-citizens, so do not be surprised when you see foreigners spread in all departments, and one of them is the final command in the Department of Human Resources with the consent of the manager or director, .

As recently emerged in the kind of sees himself the minimum and what, is willing to dispense with young employees, on the pretext that their salaries up to 10 thousand dirhams, and is believed to be rid of them and bring others less salaries will save the party, while you are not willing to reduce his salary or waiver of allowances And bonuses that may reach more than 100 thousand dirhams, considering the place and place, time and time!

Conclusion .. History and evidence filled with lessons, how much of an official reminds him of good people, and how much of an official reminds him of people to pray on him!


Twitter: @almzoohi

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