The Federal Government has initiated the reform of midwifery education. The Federal Cabinet decided on Wednesday to introduce a dual study program for obstetricians. It should take six to eight semesters and link the scientific theory with the practice. "With this reform, we make the midwifery education more modern and attractive," said Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU).

So far, the training takes place at midwifery schools. Adequate for this is a ten-year school education. For the dual study, twelve years of school education or the completed training in a nursing profession is required. According to Spahn, the study will prepare the midwives "for the growing needs in obstetrics". The Ministry of Health hopes to enter into force at the turn of the year. Already last year, Spahn had announced the degree program.

The German Midwives Association has long been calling for academic training in midwifery and welcomed the bill. "We are pleased that the Federal Government has expressed itself so clearly," said Yvonne Bovermann the SPIEGEL. Bovermann is a member of the presidium of the German Midwives Association.

An academization of the midwife profession has advantages for both midwives and women giving birth. "The study ensures that the child is cared for in the best possible way," said Bovermann. "In addition, the recognition for the profession will rise."

Degree is required for occupational midwife

According to the bill, the degree program will end in the future with a Bachelor's degree and a state examination. The degree is a prerequisite for leading the job title midwife. Throughout the training period, the prospective midwives should be paid.

Next, the Bundestag will deal with the draft. The Federal Council must also agree. The law also implements an EU directive.

For some years the midwife association has warned against a worsening of midwifery care. There was a shortage of midwives and delivery rooms were missing. Yvonne Bovermann from the German Midwives Association hopes that this situation will improve now. "Unlike a small midwifery school, colleges can accommodate large cohorts of students." In the long run, the problem of midwifery shortage could be solved.