In the trial for a quadruple murder, the Ansbach district court sentenced the defendant to life imprisonment. In addition, the court noted in the 31-year-old the particular severity of guilt.

A premature release after 15 years would be legally possible, but practically impossible in practice. The presiding judge Claus Körner thus followed the request of the prosecutor. The defendant committed an incredible crime, he said in support.

After conviction of the court Georg K. killed his wife and the three children together at the age of 3, 7 and 9 years in the Franconian Gunzenhausen in June 2018, because the woman had recently separated from him. The defense had demanded the waiver of the determination of the particular severity of guilt. The accused had plunged after the fact from the balcony of the apartment on the third floor.


Police cordon in front of the crime scene in Gunzenhausen (photo taken on 26th June 2018)

In the opinion of the prosecutor, this was not an attempted suicide, as he jumped his legs first and targeted on a green space. K. could have been sure to survive the jump - he had wanted to flee from his brother-in-law, whom he had lured out of the apartment with a feint to wipe out his family.

Five days before the deed, the machine and plant operator is said to have beaten his two sons in their nursery. Therefore, police officers had given him a referral for the apartment and issued a ban on contact. After that he should have planned, according to the prosecutor, to kill his family.