Large-scale fire brigade in Esterwegen in Lower Saxony: A fire has broken out in a peat-mining area, which according to the police has already spread over an area of ​​20 to 30 hectares. 250 firefighters fought the flames - on Tuesday night the fire was under control. The extinguishing work will be continued.

In addition to the fire department and the technical aid organization and a drone were in use. The police blocked Federal Highway 401 in the afternoon because the emergency services pumped the extinguishing water out of the coastal channel.

The cause of the fire is still unclear. Last September, a Bundeswehr missile test at Meppen triggered a large moorland fire. The fire places of the time and the current are only about 50 kilometers apart. The firefighting had lasted several weeks, partly because of the inaccessible terrain and unfavorable weather conditions.