If you're a fan of mackerels, here's a way to combine the two, get healthy snacks and eat them too, by making them at home. Not surprisingly, crackers are harmful. They certainly contain lots of fat and taste enhancers, which one can not stop eating.

Take some carrots or potatoes and cut into thin slices and sprinkle with salt and let it dry for about 10 minutes. Then place it on a baking tray and cover with a little oil and add spices such as thyme, oregano and pepper but do not add more salt.

Put the Chinese in a preheated oven and bake the vegetables at 100 ° C for thirty or sixty minutes.

The oven door should be opened several times throughout the drying process, to ensure moisture disappears. Then let it cool or it will not be crisp enough.

Even the "healthy" crackers in the store made of vegetables other than potatoes, like carrots and beets, are not the best for you, at least as long as they are fried in hot, hot oil.