A few days ago, The New York Times reported that Trump’s personal lawyer and former New York mayor Rudolf Giuliani was going to visit the Ukrainian capital and meet with President-elect Vladimir Zelensky. Giuliani planned to convince Zelensky to conduct an investigation into two cases of great interest to the White House’s owner. The first investigation concerned the role of Ukraine in the so-called Russian case of Special Prosecutor Muller, the second - of corruption ties between Ukrainian oligarchs and the family of former US Vice President Joe Biden.

Thus, Giuliani and Trump's “small group of allies” sought, according to the newspaper, “to ruin the case of Paul Manafort, the former head of Trump’s election campaign, and to harm Biden, the leading Democratic presidential candidate in 2020”.

In the camp of the numerous enemies of President Trump, the news of Giuliani’s visit caused, if not shock, then serious concern. The fact is that in Kiev the keys to some of the unsightly secrets of American politics are really hidden. And Rudolph Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, is known not only as a very good lawyer, but also as an old personal friend of Donald Trump. I must say that the current president does not have too many loyal friends, he is such a person. Some fellow Trump easily passes himself (as Steve Bannon), others just as easily betray him (like Michael Cohen). If the owner of the White House outside his family circle can rely on someone, Rudy Giuliani will be that person. And since Giuliani takes over, Trump can be calm: Rudi will get to the bottom of the truth.

What, exactly, are we talking about?

In April 2016, six months before the elections to the United States, the consultant of the National Committee of the US Democratic Party, Alexander Chalup (daughter of Ukrainian émigrés), received diplomatic channels from Kiev documents with compromising materials on Paul Manafort. Manafort, a well-known American lobbyist and political strategist, worked for Viktor Yanukovych from 2007–2012 and received $ 13 million from him, which he “forgot” to indicate in his tax return.

The American, apparently, could not even imagine that all the sums received by him would be recorded in the most accurate way in the Kiev ledgers and transferred to the USA. By whom? This is a good question. Most likely, people from the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, a structure controlled by Trump's long-time enemy George Soros, were behind the transfer of compromising material to Manafort. Only a Soros level player could have foreseen that Manafort would soon become truly dangerous: in the spring of 2016, the head of Trump's election campaign was Corey Lewandowski, and Manafort was just a member of the team.

Further more interesting. Compromising went on a chain: Chalupa handed documents to Glenn Simpson, Manafort, the head of Fusion GPS “analytical bureau” (the same one that she received from the leadership of the US Democratic Party in a row on the Trump file, which I already wrote several times), he gives them to his colleague Nelli Or, and she presents the Ukrainian compromising material to her husband Bruce, who works in the Ministry of Justice. So begins the operation, which later turns into a “Russian case” (initially simply “investigating foreign influence in Trump’s circle”).

In mid-August 2016, Trump dismisses Manaforta, because the scribal with ledgers, promoted by Kiev’s active help, makes it too “toxic”.

But the Ukrainian agents of influence in the United States do not stop there. Chalupa transmits documents not only to Fusion GPS, but also to journalists (and a special closed briefing is organized for this). Back in June 2016, Andrew Rosenthal, a columnist for The New York Times, suggested that “there are many mysterious points of contact between Trump and Russia,” and referring to journalist Michael Izikov, he called Manafort the link between Trump and Putin (through “pro-Russian President Yanukovych” ).

And in the second half of August, Isikov himself, relying on the documents received from Chalupa, publishes an article on “Black Millions of Manafort” on the Yahoo News portal, which directly states that Trump works for Russia.

From this point on, the topic “Trump - Putin’s Agent” begins to spin in the American media, which in a few months will become the main “symbol of faith” of the entire liberal camp. And a key role in the promotion of this topic was played, as it is now becoming clear, it was the Ukrainian partners of the US Democratic Party.

Now that the investigation of Special Prosecutor Muller was completed and no evidence of Trump’s conspiracy with the Kremlin could be found, it is time to figure out who and by whose order he worked so hard against Trump in Kiev. Perhaps many have forgotten that in the summer of 2016, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov in his post on Facebook called him a dangerous and shameless marginal (later Avakov, of course, deleted this post).

Too many people in Kiev were then afraid that Trump’s victory would put an end to American assistance to the government that had come to power as a result of the anti-constitutional coup. This, as we know, did not happen, and the Ukrainian authorities, who had changed their shoes in the air, began to sing the praises of Trump with the same enthusiasm with which Obama had sung before. But Trump did not forget anything. In general, he is vindictive, but now it is more important than ever to prove that the investigation of Special Prosecutor Muller was pure political order of the Democratic Party. And what if foreign interference in the 2016 elections was, then his friends, Trump, the enemies, namely the Ukrainians, were engaged in it.

Here in order to understand the Ukrainian intrigues against Trump, and had to come to Kiev Rudi Giuliani.

The second question, which Trump’s personal lawyer was going to ask the elected president of Ukraine, concerned the investigation of the corruption ties of former US Vice President Joe Biden. On May 10, in an interview with Politico, Trump said that he considered it appropriate to contact US Attorney General William Barr about the investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Hunter Biden joined the board of directors of the gas producing company Burisma immediately after the visit of his father Joe to Kiev on May 13, 2014. It was a sinecure with a salary of $ 50 thousand per month, which is difficult to consider otherwise than the legal form of a bribe.

But the corruption relationship between Kiev and Washington was not limited to the “employment” of the vice-president’s son. The Burisma company owned by the oligarch Zlochinsky, until the end of 2015, regularly pumped not only gas, but also decent amounts to the company Seneca Partners LLC, owned by the Biden family. According to the financial documents provided by the Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine, it was about sums in excess of $ 3.4 million.

The most unpleasant thing for Joe Biden, who is currently considered to be Trump’s main rival in the upcoming Democratic presidential election in 2020, is that his role in the dismissal of Viktor Shokin in April 2016 from the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine has surfaced. A year and a half ago, Biden himself, not without pride, stated in the International Affairs Council that he had achieved Shokin’s dismissal, making it a condition for receiving a tranche of a billion dollars in US aid to Ukraine.

Even NYT’s sympathizer with Biden had to admit that Shokin had played an important role in investigating corruption schemes of the Ukrainian oligarch Zlochinskiy company Burisma, in which Biden Jr. worked until April 2019.

It is clear that under President Poroshenko, the loyal vassal of the Obama-Biden group, it was impossible to investigate corruption schemes in which both Ukrainian oligarchs and their partners from the power corridors in Washington were smeared. But with the elected president, Zelensky, so far not everything is so obvious. His patron Igor Kolomoisky is closely associated with the political and financial circles of Israel, and they are more sympathetic to Trump than to Obama and his people. Therefore, one could expect that the visit of Giuliani to Kiev would not be an empty formality.

And suddenly Giuliani declared that he would not go to Kiev.

This immediately triggered a stormy jubilation in the camp of Trump's "Proveslo!" Makhanula on the joys of a stack of vodka Alexander Chalup. And Ekho Moskvy journalist Karina Orlova, who is in Washington, hastened to share an amazing discovery with subscribers of her Telegram channel: “Twitter says that Zelensky handed over to the American authorities (how?) That he didn’t want to meet with Rudi Giuliani, because Trump’s lawyer’s goal - to draw the Ukrainian president into domestic American politics (which is quite true).

If so, then Ze is just просто "

It seems obvious that you can not believe everything that is written on Twitter (as in the barn, which are wood). Especially since they wrote it, most likely, some regular chalup. Seriously to assume that the president of Ukraine can indignantly refuse to meet with the confidant of the US president, only such an undiluted creation like Karina Orlova is capable. And in general, it would not be worthwhile to pay attention to her Telegram channel, literally seeping for hatred of Trump, love for the US Democratic Party and envy of editor-in-chief RT Margarita Simonyan, if Echo’s correspondent didn’t try to hide the true cause of the personal lawyer’s refusal through simple manipulation President from a trip to Ukraine.

In fact, of course, Giuliani did not go to Kiev, not at all because Zelensky himself (!) Refused to talk to him. On Friday, Giuliani told a Fox News journalist that he refused to go to Kiev, because he would “be surrounded by people who are enemies of the president and in some cases the enemies of the United States. "

As an experienced lawyer, Giuliani knows the value of words well. Therefore, when he says that there is a serious fear that the new president of Ukraine will be surrounded by enemies of the US president who have interacted and continue to interact with the Democratic Party and its “operatives”, it is worth listening to him.

It is not a secret for anyone that the “revolution of hidnosti” and the second Kiev’s “Maidan” were a draft of the Obama democratic administration and differed little from the “Arab spring”. In Ukraine, a multi-level clientelle of the US Democratic Party was built, whose curators were located in both Washington and Kiev (Ambassador Jovanovic, Special Representative Nuland, and so on).

For Trump, the Ukrainian direction of US foreign policy was clearly not a priority, so the cleaning of the Obama-Biden cadres here was slow. Nevertheless, by April - May 2019, the main curators of the Square were replaced by the people of the Republican Party, although not without problems. For example, the recall of Ambassador Jovanovic provoked a natural hysteria among Democrats in Congress.

However, at the level of the second and third echelons, everything remained the same. The new curators, perhaps, represent the interests of the Republicans, but those with whom they have to deal with Kiev, still focus on the Democrats and maintain ties with them, including financial ones.

Hence, quite logically, the refusal of Giuliani to go to Kiev. What is the point, if at key posts there are still enemies of Trump and even America itself?

Of course, this does not mean that Giuliani (and Trump behind him) will refuse further investigation of the “Ukrainian trace”. It is too tempting to use a luxurious compromising material that can do away with Joe Biden's claims to the presidency once and for all. Most likely, the decision was made not to rush, because before the elections there is still a year and a half. During this time, we will learn many new and interesting things about who actually interfered in the 2016 elections, and how much money was received from grateful natives by respectable defenders of the “young Ukrainian democracy” in Washington.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.