Unknown people have stolen a valuable work of art from a Berlin elementary school. The perpetrators had violently penetrated into the school in the district Biesdorf at night, police said.

There they would have stolen the artwork "Golden Nest" from a showcase, which should be worth 28,000 euros, according to "Berliner Morgenpost" and "Bild" newspaper. The employee of a security company alerted the police shortly after midnight.

Police Berlin is when you are already in the morning 0: 1 and still show full commitment.
^ tsm pic.twitter.com/9EKAJ6lQdu

- Police Berlin (@polizeiberlin) May 15, 2019

According to the website of the artist Thorsten Goldberg, the 814 gram piece of art from 74 cast fine gold boxes was only completed in autumn 2018. It was to serve as a "financial and idealistic foundation" for the new elementary school. Accordingly, it was stored there in a glass wall safe in a central location visible.

This is how the treasure of #biesdorf looks like: it was a great pleasure for me to inaugurate this unique work of art by Thorsten Goldberg with all the student representatives. Thank you @kunst_schloss Karin Scheel for leading our commission Art on Construction #mahe pic.twitter.com/IYV0MxASqR

- women's portrait (@julia_witt) 20 November 2018

The "Morgenpost" reported that the reason for exhibiting such a valuable work of art in a primary school was the legal requirement for art in construction. According to this, the state as developer of public buildings is obliged to use a certain part of the construction funds for works of art.