The association Aides calls, through a poster campaign, Emmanuel Macron to mobilize to "put an end to AIDS", before the conference of the Global Fund to fight against AIDS organized in Lyon in October.

The association Aides launches Wednesday a billboard campaign to ask Emmanuel Macron to "put an end to AIDS" by mobilizing France and other major powers against HIV before the conference of the Global Fund to fight against AIDS, organized in Lyon in October. "We are looking for an Emmanuel who hates that we call him Manu", "We are looking for an Emmanuel not super fan of yellow": the campaign, organized from May 15 to 22 on the internet and the walls of Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Lille , Nantes, Strasbourg and Paris, declines portraits of the head of the state covered with messages in the offbeat and humorous tone.

"The goal is to challenge the President of the Republic to ask him to be the president of the end of AIDS," says Adeline Toullier, representative at Aides. For the first time, France will host the conference on 10th October in Lyon to collect the financial contributions of the States to the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. At the last conference, held in 2016 in Canada, "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau played his leading role in raising funds and making it a major event," said Adeline Toullier. Some $ 12.2 billion had been collected.

"A real risk of resumption of the epidemic"

At a preparatory meeting in India in February, Health Minister Agnès Buzyn said the Fund's goal of raising $ 14 billion for the 2020-2022 period was "a challenge," while the UN the goal of ending the epidemic by 2030. "If this target of $ 14 billion is not achieved, there is a real risk of a resumption of the HIV epidemic. as a host country, France has a key role to play in the financial and diplomatic mobilization, and this can not be done at the last moment, "says Adeline Toullier.

So far, "no G7 country", whose ministers of health meet in Paris Thursday and Friday, has announced its contribution, while they represent "80% of the resources" of the fund, according to Adeline Toullier . On 7 May, the National AIDS Council (NAC), an official advisory body, said France should "help increase the resources of the Global Fund by raising (its) contribution and raising new funding", while progress fight against AIDS "mark the pace".