On the eve of the parliamentary elections of 2006, 13 years ago, the program of the radical party “Freedom” included items on regulating the use of the national language based on the share of 78% of Ukrainians against the rest of Ukraine, returning passports to the “Nationality” column and legislative initiative on proportional representation in authorities of persons of titular nationality. Then the ideas of “Svobodovtsy” were supported by from 3% to 5% of Ukrainian citizens in different regions of Ukraine. Years passed, and the Tugnibok looks like a bunny against the background of the other frostbitten nationalists in power.

As you know, in late April, the Verkhovna Rada adopted in second reading the law “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as a state language”, which involves the use of the Ukrainian language exclusively by state and local government bodies, educational institutions, hospitals, and also in the service sector. Any attempts even at the regional level to use other languages ​​(read Russian) will be recognized as actions aimed at violently changing or overthrowing the constitutional system with all the consequences for violators. Poroshenko struggles to urge his Verkhovna Rada to have time before the expiration of his authority to sign this law and introduce it into law enforcement practice.

The fact that such a law directly violates human rights, the rights of the national communities of Ukraine, which, of course, contradicts the European norms and standards, does not bother Poroshenko. Here, apparently, the main motivation is the desire to maximally “mine” the Ukrainian field for the newly elected president. Hence, the maximum delaying the inauguration date of Vladimir Zelensky. A deadline begins at the end of May when, under the current Constitution, the president cannot already six months before the termination of the powers of the Verkhovna Rada dissolve parliament and call immediate parliamentary elections.

Having lost the presidential election, Poroshenko and Co. are trying to spoil the start of the Zelensky presidency.

Of course, the final introduction to the legal practice of such a language law will further increase the gap in Ukraine between the industrial Russian-speaking southeast and the rest of the territory. And not only the Donbass republics will declare linguistic sovereignty.

Of course, there is a chance that the President-elect, as soon as he takes office, will cancel all the nonsense that his predecessor has done. Moreover, Vladimir Zelensky has already made a statement about the language law: they say, we should check this law for the observance of human rights. Certainly, this language law also belongs to such “odious decisions” of Poroshenko and Co.

This is exactly how the situation is assessed in the Russian parliament. The head of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky, commenting on the behavior of the outgoing President Poroshenko and his odious actions before resigning, determined:

“It is to such decisions that the signing of the law on the exclusivity of the Ukrainian language will apply if the current head of state Petro Poroshenko does so. Zelensky must understand that in this way his next presidency will be laid - and far from the smallest - the “mine”.

It seems that, not having assumed the office of the President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky may now attack this “land mine” of a protracted parliamentary and domestic political crisis that will last for a long time.

The new president will quickly lose Vasil Goloborodko’s rating, and everything will return to the former nationalist rails. Apparently, this is the plan of satisfaction Poroshenko and his supporters after a nationwide humiliation in the presidential election.

However, the intentions of the outgoing power are so obvious that President Zelensky should have no doubts. The will of Ukrainian citizens, expressed in the elections, “to push Poroshenko into the toilet of history” and his policy allows the elected president to act firmly and decisively. As far as Vladimir Zelensky is ready for such a scenario, we will see in the very near future.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.