News from the island

  • The Washington Post: Trump has hidden information from his administration about meetings with Putin
  • A new toll for victims of the Sudan demonstrations and demands for an investigation
  • Turkey between the statements of Pompeo and Bolton .. Welcome and condemnation
  • The death of the head of the Yemeni military intelligence from his injury in the attack, "End"
  • Trump 2019 .. Three scenarios for the results of Mueller's investigations

When I began to hear about the press I was small I was wondering: why do they call it a "trouble profession"? I would say to myself: If a profession does not do anything to the owners except to transfer the news to us called the profession of trouble, what can we call the profession of my father, who was waking up every day before dawn and sleep only after dinner? The easiest job he has ever done in his life is dozens of times the trouble that can be caused by the hardest work of a journalist? The same question came to me after I graduated from the university in the mid-1990s. After a strenuous search for a job - governmental or non-governmental - that guaranteed a minimum standard of living, I did not succeed. I ended up in the construction workshops, where I spent four years.

I was carrying a bag of cement or a bag of sand and my breath was accelerating under his weight and I was going up to the third or fourth floor. The "teacher" (the builder in charge of the project) or the workshop manager echoed in my ear. I was in the midst of all this. "He said. And I would say to myself, if only those who describe the press as a profession of trouble try one of our horns in these workshops, or hear one cry of these cries and insults that we forget and become. After the four years that I spent between cement bags, sand, bricks, concrete and iron bars, my life turned to the profession of the press. I discovered that there were indeed considerable problems, although many of them were not compared to the troubles of other occupations.

The troubles of the "trouble profession" are not only in the field of difficulties and risks that field reporters sometimes face, especially those in the fields of war and the lines of fire, but there are many other problems that even those journalists who spend their day sitting on offices are free of news and reports. Also - as the judiciary - we have a press sitting and a press parked. One of our troubles in this profession is that sometimes you seek and run behind the right information and chase behind the officials and decision-makers, and hunt opportunities, times and places that may be suitable for them, but you may come back with nostalgia, if not back with some insults and repugnance and contempt. And even some who do not have a decision sometimes feel themselves - when you ask them a testimony or an opinion on a topic or an incident - as if you are begging their opinions and feeling that they are kind and thank you, and that their hands are higher than your hand.

The press has become a "profession of no profession to him", and it is like many professions plagued by God with people who pollute her reputation every day, and distort her noble message at all times

It is also our trouble that most people leave the concerns of their work in their offices, and once someone closes his files that work in his office, he closes with them copies of these files in his brain and will not return to open them at the beginning of the next day, but we are accompanied by news and developments and tragedies at every moment , And we find ourselves forced to follow them even as we sleep. It is also difficult for the journalist to sit in a moment of purity with himself contemplating his profession and its situation. Finally, he discovers that he eats bread with the tragedies of others. He is consumed by the crumbs of political statements by officials, some of whom are corrupt, and knows that they are liars.

How much of a cynical politician makes a hollow statement in the morning and ends our day with the mass of journalists running behind the reactions he has raised and "analyzing the implications" and "messages" that contain them, because unfortunately it has an influential position even if it is not his statement, and you can imagine how many journalists in the world One trumpet of US President Donald Trump may be writing it in his bed and he is going to sleep and throw it out of our eyelids. How cruel it is to the same journalist to discover - when he turns to himself - that he lives every day amid the blood and parts, and spends his day fluctuating between the harshest and most violent acts in the language, such as: killed and detonated and threatened and denounced and stressed and kidnapped and besieged and perished and died and collapsed and drowned and committed suicide and ... , And rarely meets in the midst of his daily work actually acts of happiness and joy.

The third is when she discovers that the press has become "a profession without a profession" and that it is like many occupations that God has plagued with people who pollute her reputation every day and distort her noble message all the time. A few weeks ago, the journalists' tribe, the Jaglag scandal, burst out of the walls of one of the world's oldest magazines, the German magazine Der Spiegel, which later found out that one of its "prominent" journalists was creating news and stories, And local.

The famous "journalist" "the illustrious" "Al-Nakhir" deceived his magazine and the system of verification and control the quality of its content in 14 occasions, creating some stories, and in some of them added "Bharatah" and tried his "skills" in lying, fabrication and imagination. Is there more fatigue, oppression and defeat than to see any courageous, diligent and dedicated journalist in his career "Avaca" crowned with prizes and described as "correspondent of the year"? Paradoxically, one of our colleagues warned editors of his actions, but to no avail.