While waiting for the junction with the yellow Gilets of Guingamp, those of Langeux arrive at the roundabout Eleusis, in Plerin, in the middle of the afternoon. There are already about 400 vehicles.

In Eleusis, in Plérin, they are about 400 yellow vests and provide a blocking until 18 h.

The convoy of Yellow Vests Guingamp and Paimpol passed Trémuson around 16 h 30. Clearly more numerous than announced, a hundred vehicles lead a snail operation to Plérin, where they must join the procession from Langueux.

Big slowdown on the RN12 between Langueux and Plérin pic.twitter.com/FOOjJ5EXT4

- Ouest-France 22 (@ OuestFrance22) November 18, 2018

250 vehicles were counted in the Langueux procession.

Access to Pordic by the four-lane is blocked.


- Ouest-France 22 (@ OuestFrance22) November 18, 2018