They are on their fifth consecutive day of mobilization, all over France. Since Saturday, November 17, the Yellow Vests give the government a hard time, which advocates both dialogue and firmness. The challenge, born of rising fuel prices, has gradually turned into a general loaf against fiscal policy and the defense of purchasing power. How to get out of the crisis ? Some voices rise to propose tracks. Overview.

Five days that their reflective strips shine in the light of the headlights. Yellow vests keep the pressure, everywhere in France, with blockages and filter dams. A spontaneous movement, constituted through social networks, which wants - so far - apolitical and asyndical. A mobilization on a scale unprecedented, difficult to apprehend for Emmanuel Macron and the government of Édouard Philippe.

So far the Prime Minister has been responsible for playing the steadfast, maintaining the "cap" of the government in terms of taxation on fossil fuels, while announcing aid measures for the beginning of 2019, as a "super-premium" to converting and expanding the energy check to more beneficiaries. For his part, the President called for "dialogue" and "explanation" .

But over the demonstrations, the claims have exceeded the original grumbling, against rising fuel prices. The fed up expressed becomes general, against the fiscal policy and for the defense of the purchasing power. How to calm this anger, symptomatic of "a territorial tear" as stated Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of the Economy? Some observers and actors of the French political landscape suggest possible solutions. Ouest-France compiles the main ones.

The "social pact of ecological conversion" by Laurent Berger

On November 17, the day of the first Yellow Vests rallies, the general secretary of the CFDT launched an appeal to Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe on Twitter: "we must " reunite very quickly the unions, employers' organizations, associations to build a social pact of ecological conversion " . "Social justice and ecology are compatible," he says.

I call @EmmanuelMacron and @EPhilippePM to reunite very quickly the unions, the employers' organizations, the associations to build a social pact of the ecological conversion.
Social justice and ecology are compatible! It's urgent.

- Laurent Berger (@CfdtBerger) November 17, 2018

This proposal to bring everyone together around the same table to discuss ecological transition was supported by several politicians and trade unionists. Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux, Medef's president, reacted directly to Laurent Berger's message on Twitter, saying he was "ready to work on an ecological and economic transition pact" . "Good news for us to work on the project of refounding the social contract" , has outbid, always on Twitter, François Asselin, the head of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME). "We can start right away without waiting for the state," added Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

The executive, precisely, has not, for the time being, caught the pole stretched. "I do not think what Yellow Waistcoats are asking for is a big conference with politicians and union officials , " swept Philippe Philippe, at the 20 h of France 2 , Sunday night. "It lacks direction and meaning [...] It persists in a direct relationship to the 'people' that puts it in difficulty today," replied Laurent Berger, in an interview with Monde Monday.

"To answer the Yellow Vests, the answer is not 'we will organize a large social conference'" , insisted the Prime Minister in front of parliamentarians LREM, Tuesday. "We do not want to 'shunt' intermediate bodies. The major reforms were carried out with the trade union organizations , "he nevertheless said Édouard Philippe. An exchange with Laurent Berger would be planned.

Since then, the proposal of the leader of the CFDT has also received the support of Gérard Larcher. "I believe in the need for intermediary bodies, that's why the proposal of Laurent Berger is a proposal that must be seized," said the Senate Speaker on RTL on Wednesday. Laurent Berger can also count on the support of the president of the group UDI-Agir Jean-Christophe Lagarde, who spoke on Tuesday on Twitter.

Le Grenelle with NGOs and Frenchmen drawn by lot of Daniel Cohn-Bendit

The former Green MEP, close to Emmanuel Macron, believes that the Head of State does poorly manage the angry movement of yellow vests. He ticks on the temporality of aid announced by the Prime Minister: it "goes in the right direction, but what is incomprehensible is not to have done it at the same time as the proposal for convergence of diesel tariffs. essence! He commented in the Parisian columns on Sunday.

He, too, has a good eye on the "social pact of ecological conversion" proposed by Laurent Berger. But goes further, including citizens lambdas reflections: "We must organize a Grenelle energy transition with NGOs, unions, employers and 50 French drawn" .

The idea of ​​a "Grenelle" close to the French is also making its way into the spirit of the MoDem. The president of the group in the assembly Patrick Mignola pleaded, Tuesday, for the organization of "Grenelles" decentralized in the territories. "At a time when there is a certain sense of abandonment or expectation of differentiation on the ground, we must not bring a single national response," he argues.

"The Yellow Vests is a form of May '68 in reverse, starting with the rural environment. And, as we emerged from the crisis of May 1968 with the Grenelle social [...] we have no alternative but to rework all the intermediate bodies and especially, to associate the territories, the elected, local actors " , also pleads Bertrand Pancher, member of the group" Libertés et territoires "in the Assembly. On this point Edward Philippe, was more open on Tuesday, speaking of "a territorialized discussion" , without further precision. "I'm ready," he said.

The microcredit of MEPs LREM

The parliamentarians, who met on Tuesday, are working on a measure to complement the reinforcement of the conversion premium announced last week by Édouard Philippe. As a reminder, the government will create a "doubled premium" for the 20% of the most modest households (€ 14,470 in revenue per year in 2015, according to INSEE). Non-taxable assets that cover more than 60 kilometers a day will also be affected. The aid can reach € 4,000 and even € 5,000 for an electric vehicle. But what about the sum to put to end to afford a vehicle more environmentally friendly and less fuel-hungry? Not necessarily obvious to get 1,000 or 2,000 € more for the first models.

As reported in the newspaper Les Echos , LREM MPs are currently working on a solution: ask banks to make an effort by granting microcredits over 18 to 24 months, at rates close to zero. "We will start a discussion with the French Banking Federation (FBF) and institutions in this direction," said Amelie de Montchalin, the vice president of the parliamentary group LREM. For MEPs LREM, their proposal is in the interest of banks. "By switching from a car that consumes 8 liters per 100 to a vehicle of 4 liters per 100 km, you save at least € 100 per month on the fuel bill to pay back the loan," theorizes the member for Paris Olivia Grégoire. A proposal that could counter part of the argument yellow jackets on the difficulty of changing cars, without costing the state.