In a letter addressed to Fabienne Buccio, the president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Normandy is worried about the consequences of the movement of yellow vests on companies in the region.

In a statement, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Normandy refers to "a general slowdown in activity: business activity and CHR (coffee-hotels-restaurants): the decline in turnover is from 30 to 50% and the impacts are an attendance down sharply as well as problems of delay or cancellation of deliveries. It also points to a 60% and 80% drop in turnover in supermarkets. "The problems reported are cases of material damage and vandalism, very important problems of supply and loss of goods, including perishable," adds the ICC.

Rising trade in rural areas

The CCI observes a contrary phenomenon in rural areas: "The shops report a sometimes significant increase (up to 40% increase in turnover ...) due to the return of consumers to their local shops. "

Industry and construction suffer from delays in delivery and supply; the logistic activity is strongly impacted (down 25% of activity) and obviously causes delays and breaks throughout the chain.

The Normandy CCIs ask the regional prefect "that all the necessary measures are taken so that the economic activity can resume in a normal way at this crucial time for companies in all sectors of activity".