Yellow Reunion vests have called for a total blockage of the island for the arrival of the Minister of Overseas Annick Girardin. "Stay at home or come to the roadblocks," they asked the people. The shops are increasingly empty while the only commercial port of the island is still blocked.

A call for the total blocking of the island of Reunion Wednesday, the day of the arrival of the Minister of Overseas Annick Girardin to meet the Yellow Vests, circulating on social networks since Monday night. In the afternoon, four large roadblocks in place for 10 days were dismantled by the mobile gendarmes after clashes with protesters. They threw pebbles to the police, who fired back with tear gas, found a journalist.

"Is it still worth talking to the minister since the only response from the government is repression? Several protesters then asked each other. A call to put back all the dams in the early morning, Wednesday, was launched on social networks. The original callers wanted to reach 300 dams all over the island and asked the people, "Stay at home or come to checkpoints" .

No violence but shortages

But the port-east, the only commercial port of the island, is still paralyzed and the shelves of shops, including those of food, are empty. About forty dams blocked roads on Monday, a record since the beginning of the mobilization on November 17th. No significant urban violence was noted in the night from Monday to Tuesday.

The minister said on Monday that she would meet Yellow Vests on dams and make announcements about employment and the cost of living. His commitment seems appreciated by the Yellow Vests who no longer want the prefect for interlocutor.

A drop in prices announced

The demands of Reunion Island yellow vests are very broad: from the abolition of social charges to a better taking into account "the needs of the Reunionese" by way of the end of the granting of sea. Monday afternoon, answering the request of Annick Girardin, the prefect announced, four days before the usual date, a drop in fuel prices.

In La Réunion, as in all the overseas territories, the maximum price for the sale of fuels is fixed every month by the prefect. Indexed to that of the barrel, it is announced at the end of the month for an application on the first day of each month.

"Accompanying measures"

With 13 cents less, the price of leadless decreases the most, from 1.56 euro to 1.43 euro per liter, diesel from 1.28 euro to 1.21 euro. The prefect also announced a series of "accompanying measures" for companies economically affected by the 11 days of mobilization of yellow vests including a schedule for the payment of social contributions in October, November and December.

Local banks are committed to "sympathetic" review of the submitted files.