On the third day of the mobilization, an action is underway at the roundabout of Saint-Berthevin, near Laval (in Mayenne), Monday, November 19, 2018. Mayennais tell why they did not hang up their yellow vest. Testimonials.

"The Prime Minister's attitude last night was really scornful. We need our car to get to work, and we can not afford to buy an electric car. The ecological transition can not be done overnight, " says Nicolas.

A "non-violent" approach

Laurent, 48, in reconversion. | WEST FRANCE

"I was there a little before 7am. At first we were only a dozen yellow vests. Everything is going well with the police. We are completely in a non-violent way. We intend to stay there until we are dislodged. The government and Mr. Macron must understand that if they stay the course, we are heading straight for disaster. " , Says Laurent.

Follow live the mobilization of yellow vests everywhere in France.