The police routed, tonight, Saturday, November 17, the cars that want to leave the city to take the direction of Occagnes. It is mobilized to prevent the overflowing of about fifty young people who block the roundabout.


All the roundabouts were released by Argentan's yellow vests shortly before 6 pm, so that the troops converged on the roundabout near Mc Donald's for a final photo. Then it was returned to traffic around 18 h 30.

They made a fire

It remains this Saturday, November 17, a blocking point framed by the police at the north exit of Argentan, when coming from the city: "Fifty young very alcoholic decided to put the bazaar," says a policewoman motorists it turns to Moulins-sur-Orne. In fact, they are seen about thirty meters around a big fire.

The road of Occagnes is diverted tonight and for an indefinite time.