Asked by AFP, political scientist Jean-Marie Pernot, a researcher at the Institute of Economic and Social Research (Ires) estimates that with 244 000 demonstrators in France, the mobilization of yellow vests is a "success of participation", well that the movement may have "a problem of sustainability". Interview.

What is to be thought of this participation of 244 000 people in blockades organized by yellow vests everywhere in France?

The question is how the Ministry of Interior made its accounts but we can say that it is important, it is a success of participation. Compared to the mobilizations of the unions, it is still a movement organized from nothing at all: there is no pre-existing structure, no organizers, even if to the right on the left there must be trade unionists or people who have had experiences in organized movements. It remains no less than that from a click, get to mobilize well, it is not negligible, it makes sense. This success is also due to the media, who have been talking about it for weeks.

What next possible do you see in such a movement?

It is a very original form of mobilization. We will see what they invent to continue the pressure. Maybe another day of the same kind or petitions or gatherings in front of this or that institutional place, a prefecture, a town hall? There is a repertoire of collective actions quite widely available. We will see what they will choose to maintain the flame.But they will have a problem of sustainability, which is the great advantage of associations or unions: they have permanent devices or structures that can manage in the duration of the movements that they will have initiated. It is necessary that this movement is incarnate (with a leader, Ed). There is no thread, no perspective given beyond this day so everything is on the table: so-and-so will say "we continue ", and it's easy to get excited when you've been talked about and blocked. Go home after and wait for the television to comment, it's a bit frustrating. The temptation will be great for some to continue in the evening or tomorrow. It makes sense that it can go in all directions, especially since it is a success. This movement has something comforting because it shows that we are not in an amorphous society.

Should the unions have participated in this movement?

No. But to be frightened by the extent of the possible pressure of the National Front (National Rally) is to make them a beautiful gift. The CGT on the merits was not wrong, but between the condemnation and the inaction, there was perhaps a third position to adopt, anticipating and dealing with the question of purchasing power. The CGT has positions on it but it does not really seek to create bridges with the CFDT. For now, it's a complete failure. This division ends up being paralyzing and it makes unionism silent.