The mother of "Wonder Augustine" condemns the decision of the deputies who rejected Wednesday the creation of a fund to fund research against pediatric cancers. A lower budget was, however, voted. The one who had mediated her daughter's fight against the cancer that finally won her promises that the fight of the associations is not over.

The majority of MPs rejected Wednesday, November 14 amendments that would have allowed the creation of a fund of 15 to 20 million euros to fund research against pediatric cancers. The mother of "Wonder Augustine" , a girl who died in October of a brain cancer lightning at age 4, said "disgusted" . A financing of 3 to 5 million euros has however been validated by the National Assembly, reports France 3 Hauts de France.

Since August and the announcement of the disease of his daughter, Pauline Desplanque told his daily life on social networks. The child became a symbol of the ravages of pediatric cancers and his death was followed by many tributes. "I get up with this news and I'm really disappointed ," wrote the mother on Facebook after the vote. My stomach hurts, almost like the day I got the results from Augustine's scanner and MRI. "

"The fight must continue"

Supported by the association Wonder Augustine, the collective grow without cancer had asked for the vote of an annual budget of about 20 million euros. The goal: to fund research against these cancers, of which 500 children die each year. The budget is much less. " We do not understand. [...] The majority government could have voted unanimously, with the opposition, " regrets Steeve de Matos, vice president of Growing up without cancer.

Nevertheless, he emphasizes the "work and effort" of parliamentarians. " We talk a lot but we do not act, but what does it take for the research to be done? wonders Pauline Desplanque. It is already long to search, but without means, we will still be there to undergo diagnoses, to suffer losses. That said, despite the momentary discouragement, a slogan persists: "The fight must continue. "