Hundreds of protesters have been protesting the rise in fuel prices since early November 17 in Bayeux. As a result, the market was sad.

While Yellow Vests are carrying out snail operations and other filtering since early morning, this Saturday, November 17, "only a third of the usual hawkers present are here today, the winter they are in general 140-150 recalls Benoit Radzivan, Bayeux marketplace. There are many traders from the Channel who are absent, they were afraid of being stuck to leave. "

"I come from Carentan (Manche) ," explains Fabien Chauveau, who makes cork waffles and sweet snacks. To be sure of not being blocked, I left at 4:30, two hours earlier than usual. And to leave, I will not hurry, I quietly and I go to the cinema in Bayeux spend the afternoon! "

The market place has rarely been so empty. | WEST FRANCE

Not far from there, a shopkeeper who came to sell yogurt and fresh cream from Le Molay-Littry is not worried to leave at the end of the market. For sales, it's something else: "There are a lot less people. For ten years, this is the first time I see the market as little used. Even in winter when there is snow or ice, there are more traders. "